Qual é a diferença entre um visto Schengen ser revogado ou ser anulado? [duplicado]


Qual é a diferença entre o visto Schengen revogado e anulado? Isso significa a mesma coisa ou eles estão separados?

por Alaa 29.04.2017 / 17:23

1 resposta

A anulação e revogação do visto

According to the Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the cd. Visa Code), a visa shall be annulled where it becomes evident that the conditions for issuing it were not met at the time when it was issued, in particular if there are serious grounds for believing that the visa was fraudulently obtained.

A visa shall in principle be annulled by the competent authorities of the Member State which issued it. A visa may be annulled by the competent authorities of another Member State, in which case the authorities of the Member State that issued the visa shall be informed of such annulment.

A visa shall be revoked where it becomes evident that the conditions for issuing it are no longer met. A visa shall in principle be revoked by the competent authorities of the Member State which issued it. A visa may be revoked by the competent authorities of another Member State, in which case the authorities of the Member State that issued the visa shall be informed of such revocation.

Nem uma anulação nem uma revogação proíbem legalmente um candidato de receber um visto no futuro e ambos podem acontecer sem qualquer implicação de que o titular do visto fez algo de errado. Às vezes, pode ser simplesmente por uma questão técnica.

29.04.2017 / 17:33