Uma Aes Sedai vinculada aos três juramentos pode usar sarcasmo?


Todos os Aes Sedai estão ligados por um ter'angreal chamado de Oat Rod e depois juraram obedecer aos seguintes Três Juramentos :

  1. To speak no word that is not true.

  2. To make no weapon with which one man may kill another.

  3. Never to use the One Power as a weapon except against Darkfriends or Shadowspawn, or in the last extreme defense of her life, the life of her Warder, or another Aes Sedai.

O termo "não fala nenhuma palavra que não é verdade" exige que alguém siga isto para o sentido mais literal da frase, ou você poderia falar uma palavra falsa contanto que você saiba que o destinatário entende que é sarcasmo?

Pode Aes Sedai ligado aos Três Juramentos usar sarcasmo?

As respostas devem ser da série Wheel of Time ou entrevistas apenas dos autores.

por Firebat 27.10.2015 / 17:19

1 resposta


Veja esta entrevista . Nas palavras do próprio Robert Jordan (ênfase acrescentada por Rand al'Thor):

the oath against lying does leave room for sarcasm. It is intent and result that matter. No sister can intentionally speak an untruth either with the intent of passing on false information or with the belief that false information might be passed on. Thus the careful slicing and dicing of words. But if someone were to hold up a piece of white cloth and ask whether it was black or white, someone who had sworn the Three Oaths would be capable of saying that it was black as a matter of sarcasm. But not if, for example, the person asking the question was blind and thus might well take the statement for truth rather than sarcasm.

27.10.2015 / 17:24