No novo módulo 5e Túmulo da Aniquilação , a deusa Grung Nangnang é proeminentemente mencionada. No entanto, poucos detalhes são fornecidos (quase parece intencionalmente). Então, os 5e Forgotten Realms Grung têm pelo menos uma divindade específica, se não mais.
Although one prominent believer in Nangnang is apparently delusional, leading some to believe that she might not exist at first, shrines to her appear elsewhere and she is one of nine "trickster gods" who make an appearance late in the adventure. All nine have been imprisoned well before of the start of the storyline, so if the contents of Tomb Of Annihilation are canon in your universe, Nangnang probably should not be appearing or answering any prayers. She is the only one of the nine "trickster gods" who appears in the form of a Grung, so it is likely that they do not worship the others as they do her. Nangnang's alignment is given as neutral evil, and she is described as "selfish and cruel."