Será que Flamel escolheu desistir da pedra do Feiticeiro?


Então, Flamel obviamente transferiu a Pedra Filosofal para Dumbledore de alguma forma. Provavelmente era perigoso demais para ser deixado de fora.

Mas ele foi forçado a desistir? Ou ele desistiu de seu livre arbítrio?

por bleh 02.08.2016 / 20:50

1 resposta

Ele desistiu de sua livre vontade depois de ser persuadido do perigo que sua invenção representava para o mundo.

‘Not the Stone, boy, you – the effort involved nearly killed you. For one terrible moment there, I was afraid it had. As for the Stone, it has been destroyed.’
‘Destroyed?’ said Harry blankly. ‘But your friend – Nicolas Flamel –’
‘Oh, you know about Nicolas?’ said Dumbledore, sounding quite delighted. ‘You did do the thing properly, didn’t you? Well, Nicolas and I have had a little chat and agreed it’s all for the best.’
‘But that means he and his wife will die, won’t they?’
‘They have enough Elixir stored to set their affairs in order and then, yes, they will die.’

HP and the Philosopher's Stone


Rumour - Nicolas Flamel is going to come to Hogwarts to teach potions [in HP4]

JKR: Flamel has now died; Dumbledore explained in ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ that his old friend was going to choose death rather than allow his stone to fall into the wrong hands.

JKR Official Website - Rumours

Nenhuma menção de coerção é feita.

02.08.2016 / 21:00