Por que as pernas do bebê de Deadpool não têm cicatrizes?


Em Deadpool 2 após Deadpool

gets ripped in half by the Juggernaught and he starts to grow his legs back

ele não tem cicatrizes nelas.


Agora é inteiramente possível que quando ele crescer novos membros que as cicatrizes não estejam lá, mas lembre-se no começo, onde ele é explodido em pedaços e cresce de volta seu corpo, as cicatrizes ainda estão lá.

Qual é o motivo disso?

Dentro ou fora do universo, as respostas serão aceitas.

por KyloRen 10.11.2018 / 07:21

1 resposta

Porque é mais engraçado com pernas de bebê sem cicatrizes

A resposta invariavelmente vem de uma perspectiva fora do universo e é principalmente porque a piada é mais engraçada se as pernas não tiverem cicatrizes. Dan Glass, o supervisor de efeitos visuais de produção, trabalhou com o estúdio VFX, Double Negative, para criar esta cena e aqui está o que ele tem a dizer sobre o assunto:

And then the final thing was, the look of the legs themselves. We did try and concept some variations that were more weird, almost fetal and alien-like limbs, more like the hand that appears in the first movie. But it felt quickly that that got a little too gross and unappealing. In the script dialogue from early on, although you obviously have Domino and Weasel’s reactions, which are fairly repulsed, Domino, of course, comes in and says, ‘No, I’m talking about your face. Your legs are cute.’

And so, that gives us a clue as to what the intent of the writers was. I think the idea of bringing them to be more recognisably human and – although, it’s sort of a controversial discussion, or at least it felt like it was always going to be a slightly odd and difficult thing to pull off. But, actually being more normal with it, I think, it helps the humour and helps you concentrate on the humour of the scene and not be so horrified or appalled at what’s going on below.

VFXBLOG - Visual effects journalist Ian Failes, Deadpool 2’S What the…!? Scene and how it was made

13.11.2018 / 10:06