Procurando por um livro em que as pessoas se convertam em outra existência após a morte física

Do que eu me lembro, a esposa do protagonista morre e é "ressuscitada" para a comunidade morta. Ele quer entrar em contato com ela, ela não quer nada com ele. Ele persegue ela, posa como uma pessoa morta para entrar na colônia morta etc. No final, ela organiza que ele seja morto, então ele pára de importuná-la.

por Michael Talyansky 21.11.2016 / 21:39

1 resposta

Eu acredito que isso é "Nascido com os Mortos" por Robert Silverberg, descrito da seguinte forma aqui :

In Born with the Dead Jorge Klein has recently lost his wife, Sybille, but Sybille has undergone a procedure called "rekindling" where she was awakened after her natural death by a new medical procedure. After being rekindled she lived in a "Cold Town" with others of her kind, but in the years after the deads started to emerge slowly to the world of the "warms," where they travelled as tourists or continued on with their life's work. Sybille was doing post doc work on cultures in Zanzibar when she passed. She and a group of four other "deads" went on a world tour that ended in Zanzibar where Sybille intended to finish her research and publish. However Jorge was convinced that he was still in love with Sybille, and broke strong taboo by trying to reconnect with her after she was rekindled. Jorge's best friend, a Parsee named Jijibhoi was also a post doc anthropologist who spent his time trying to pierce the tight culture of the deads. Jijibhoi helped Jorge in his numerous efforts to get an audience with Sybille, even though he thought Jorge's compulsions were unhealthy and ill-conceived. Despite the other dead's attempts to block, Jorge did meet with Sybille a few times before he tracked her to Zanzibar, where the other deads grew tired of his complete misunderstanding of their culture and killed him, then sent him for his own rekindling.

Também foi assunto de perguntas anteriores aqui, um casal times .

21.11.2016 / 21:55