Patrick Stewart usou uma peruca para a sua audição The Next Generation?


Como Ray diz na minha outra pergunta:

BOTH pictures present him with fake hair. Initially, the producers didn't want a bald captain, so they issued Patrick Stewart a toupee. I don't know when, why and how this idea changed.

Mas não consigo encontrar nada para comprovar isso.

Em esta questão Marian diz :

Gene was so right. Plus...I've seen or read (not sure which) an interview with Stewart in which he explains that wigs were tried on him, but he simply looked like a bald guy in a wig, so they let him be natural.

Mas ninguém tem uma referência.

A Memória Alfa apenas diz que ele usou por um flashback .

A única outra referência que encontrei sobre isso é aqui , mas nada conclusivo.

Ele usou uma peruca para sua audição?

por AncientSwordRage 27.02.2016 / 22:22

2 respostas


De acordo com este site ( ênfase minha):

A revealing comment made by Gene Roddenberry in an interview shortly before his death. In the December 1991 issue of Cinefantastique magazine (which also provided us with this) the Star Trek creator recalled how in 1986 producer Robert Justman had found a British actor called Patrick Stewart whom he believed could be the new captain of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation:

"[Bob Justman] had gone to UCLA and had seen this man he wanted as Picard. He presented him to me, and my first reaction was 'Jesus Christ, Bob. I don't want bald man. In his wisdom, Justman kept his mouth shut and let me grow accustomed to him."


Na verdade, Roddenberry pediu a Patrick Stewart para usar uma peruca em seu teste para Star Trek: The Next Generation . Ele fez, mas no final, as cabeças mais calvas prevaleceram.

Isso é confirmado - o mais canonicamente possível - na entrevista a seguir com o produtor Rick Berman, na qual Berman conta a história de como Stewart teve sua peruca teatral enviada da Inglaterra para ser usada em sua última audição para o público. papel do capitão Picard:

27.02.2016 / 22:38

Mencionei isso em comentários sobre a outra pergunta, mas esse incidente é descrito no documentário Chaos on the Bridge . Aqui está uma citação de uma resenha deste documentário:

Roddenberry then reportedly agreed to listen to Stewart read for the role, on the condition that he wear a wig. The actor’s wig was later sent via FedEx from England to Los Angeles. Stewart first read his lines with the wig on and then he was called in to read the lines again, but this time without the wig. After his audition the actor was selected to play Captain Picard in the TV series and Roddenberry addressed all concerns about the actor by saying “hair doesn’t mean anything in the 25th century.”


27.02.2016 / 22:33