O Moulinet combina com outros níveis FS: Fencing?


Eu tive uma pergunta sobre o 4º ponto na esgrima.

Moulinet (••••): If your character makes a successful hit on an adversary with his sword, he may then rotate his wrist and perform a quick spiral cut with the tip of the weapon. This additional cut requires no additional roll; the cut does lethal damage to the opponent equal to your character’s Dexterity.

Drawback: To perform this maneuver, the character must spend a Willpower point before he makes her initial attack roll. The Willpower does not grant him the additional +3 to attack. If the initial attack roll fails, the Willpower point is wasted and the Moulinet may not be added.

Pode ser combinado com os pontos anteriores dos outros pontos, como o 3º ponto…

Riposte (•••):A Riposte requires an attack to be made against your character. He steps out of the way of the attack using his Dodge (i.e., her Defense, doubled). While his opponent is open, he can then make a sudden and quick attack, which is performed at a –1 penalty. However, the opponent’s Defense does not further penalize the attack roll.

Drawback: If your opponent suffers any further attacks on a turn where she has used Riposte, she cannot apply her Defense against them.

... então, depois que o personagem se esquiva e contra-ataca com réplica, eles então executam o moulinet?

por ryuwolf 09.09.2014 / 13:17

1 resposta


Não é à toa que o Moulinet já foi citado como um dos " Cinco capacidades quebradas do mundo das trevas . " Apenas lembre-se de que você deve gastar a Força de Vontade antes de rolar para o Rosto, e você não receberá nenhum dado extra por isso.

09.09.2014 / 14:02