De quem foi dublado a voz do Flash Gordon?


No filme de 1980, Flash Gordon , o ator principal, Sam J. Jones, no papel do próprio Flash Gordon, partiu do projeto antes da pós-produção, o que levou a que muitas de suas linhas fossem apelidadas por outro ator. De acordo com esta entrevista com o Jones (ênfase minha):

I didn’t have a falling out with the director, but producer Dino De Laurentis and I bumped heads a few times - there were a few misunderstandings. In my naivety at the age of 25 I just let the attorneys handle everything - I just let my representation handle it and they did not do a very good job at all. The bottom line, though, is they worked for me and I take responsibility for what happened. I didn’t go back for looping and dubbing so they ended up using another actor to loop - I think about half the film was actually not my voice.

Então, se não foi a voz de Jones, de quem foi?

De quem foi a voz usada na dublagem para o personagem de Flash Gordon?

Esta pergunta foi inspirada em nosso Flash Gordon noite de filme em bate-papo .

por Rand al'Thor 23.03.2016 / 02:13

2 respostas

TL; DR: não sabemos.

Wikipedia diz que a identidade do dublador é desconhecida, mas cita a entrevista citada , que não diz nada sobre quem era esse ator ou se sua identidade é conhecida:

According to a 2012 interview in Maxim, Sam J. Jones had disagreements of some sort with De Laurentiis and departed prior to post-production, which resulted in a substantial proportion of his dialogue being dubbed by a professional voice actor, whose identity is still a mystery.

Diretor Mike Hodges disse :

I was very fond of Sam but here's what happened: we did the main shooting up until Christmas and then we stopped for the break. After Christmas I came back and did all of the second unit stuff too. For instance, I had to do the shots with the flying men and that sort of thing—what passed as special effects back then (laughs). So I also had to shoot a whole bunch of other stuff with a stunt double for Sam and I had to re-voice the occasional line of dialogue too. Not much but some—and I got somebody to impersonate Sam's voice. You would never know it wasn't him.

But Sam found out and I think that was one factor that led to him being upset. And Dino and he just did not see eye to eye for a while. So when you lose your main star there can't really be a sequel.

Um artigo na revista Empire não ajuda muito (ênfase minha):

Director Mike Hodges keeps the pace cracking and shoots the whole piece from the crazy angles and in the lush colours of the original comic books. Queen's rock operatics deliver a score which is almost unique in being utterly inseparable from the success of the movie and Jones, now residing in DTV hell, deports himself admirably as the golden space boy - even if 80 per cent of his lines are dubbed by a still undisclosed voice.

Nem o TV Tropes , que também confirma o fato de que o dublador não foi identificado:

On Flash Gordon, Sam J. Jones' voice was overdubbed by an uncredited actor whose identity remains a mystery to this day after Jones refused to return for post-production.

23.03.2016 / 02:17

Depois de assistir alguns clipes, eu acredito firmemente que a voz pertence a Peter Marinker, um dublador prolífico na época. Compare algumas de suas outras amostras de voz;


É especulação, mas eu estou louco?

03.10.2017 / 02:10