Livro sobre uma garota que suspeita que seu vizinho de transformar pessoas em gatos


Estou procurando um livro que eu leia na 3ª série. Era sobre uma garota cujo vizinho era uma mulher estranha. A menina acredita que a mulher é uma bruxa porque as pessoas do bairro desaparecem e a mulher tem muitos gatos, cada um com um nome que são as iniciais do vizinho desaparecido (por exemplo, CJ). Infelizmente, tudo o que posso lembrar sobre este livro, está me deixando louca tentando encontrá-lo! Por favor ajude!

por Katie 31.07.2016 / 21:17

2 respostas

Isso soa como "No Such Thing as a Witch", de Ruth Chew. Aqui está um trecho de seu resumo:

Nora and Tad are given fudge by a neighbor named Maggie Brown who has a lot of pets. After her brother and father start acting strangely, she deduces that one piece of fudge makes you like animals and that two lets you understand what they say. Mrs. Cooper gets angry when Tad and Mr. Cooper start feeding Skipper people food, and Nora goes over to complain to Maggie, who explains that the fudge wears off after a while. Nora and Tad visit Maggie again and pretend to each eat one piece of fudge. They each also take an extra piece. When they get it home, Tad eats two pieces, then three, starts acting a bit like a cat, then takes Nora's, and turns into a cat.

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16.08.2016 / 23:52

Alguns detalhes parecem ser "The Cat Sitter Mystery", de Carol Adorjan.


There was something scary about the house next door. Beth certainly didn't believe in ghosts, but the big old mansion set in the shadows did look haunted. Even Mrs. Goodall, the owner, looked a little like a witch, with bright red hair that was green at the roots. But she had lots of cats, and Beth loved cats.

But when Beth agreed to take care of the cats while Mrs. Goodall was away, all kinds of strange things began to happen. Every time she went over to feed the cats she heard creaking noises coming from different parts of the house ...doors opened and closed by themselves...and lights mysteriously went on and off. Something beside the cats was lurking in the house next door!



"Mrs. Goodall's a witch," Tiffany Tanner said.

..."What makes you think she's a witch?"

"She has a black cat, doesn't she?"

"Lots of people have black cats, Tiffany."

"Maybe they're all witches," Tiffany said.

Os nomes dos gatos são iniciais:

O.C., F.C., C.C., L.C. Such strange names for cats. Like people's initials. Suppose they were people's initials. Suppose Tiffany was right. B.C., Beth thought. Beth Carew.

How much more exciting it would have been if Mrs. Goodall were a witch! If someone were imprisoned in the attic, or if the cats were not cats at all, but people under a spell,...

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10.06.2018 / 14:37