Como Olaf sabia?


Na segunda temporada de A Series of Unfortunate Events, é revelado que o conde Olaf aparentemente sabia,

in the season finale, that 'Beverly', 'Elliot' and the half-wolf baby were the Baudelaires in disguise


Em um mundo onde essa informação é muitas vezes difícil * de saber, como o conde Olaf sabia?


  1. Olaf inferred from the Heimlich hospital tag that the Baudelaires had come.

  2. Olaf's discovery that the current Madame Lulu was the librarian Olivia Caliban led to his realisation about the Baudelaires.

  3. Olaf knew from the beginning because he actually has a knack for seeing through disguises as seen in the Heimlich hospital arc where he saw through Klaus' disguise as Dr Faustus.

  4. Olaf already knew that the Baudelaires got in the trunk.

  5. Esme discovered the Baudelaires and told Olaf.

  6. It's at least one of the above and then additionally, VFD people have a knack for seeing through disguises. Add-additionally, Olaf disguises himself often and thus (so, there's a one-way implication between practicing and recognising?) sees through disguises.

Eu acho que não é 3 ou 4 porque

of the way Olaf reacted to the Heimlich hospital tag.

* 'Difícil' aqui é uma palavra que é usada para evitar spoilers. Quero dizer que ... is 'difficult' to see through disguises because adults are stupid or disguises are somehow that good or that good to fool adults. Thus, it is a wonder that Olaf saw through the disguise. This is kind of like how, iirc, the Alethiometer from His Dark Materials wasn't accessible to the protagonist after a certain point because of age.**


**ETA re His Dark Materials: Apparently, it wasn't because of age. Fine. We can try an example from Kids Next Door or Harry Potter if you want. Pick any scifi or fantasy show where that has an age maximum rather than age minimum on something.

por BCLC 14.04.2018 / 16:16

2 respostas

Os livros não ajudam em nada, porque:

In The Carnivorous Carnival, Madame Lulu told Olaf (or so Olaf claims, at least), but in the show, she clearly would not have done so. In the books, Lulu appears for the first time at the carnival, and has been hiding from both sides since the schism. She's much less sympathetic than the Olivia Caliban of the series, so it's plausible that she would sell the Baudelaires out. This explanation is unworkable in the context of the more developed, sympathetic character we meet in the series.

Como não podemos responder a isso do livro canon, não temos escolha a não ser recorrer à especulação. Como Broklynite diz, a história de Olaf provavelmente o torna bem qualificado para enxergar através de disfarces. Tanto nos livros quanto no programa, os Baudelaire se disfarçavam usando um kit de disfarce padrão de VFD, então Olaf certamente deveria ter sido capaz de ver através dele, dado seu treinamento em VFD. Sabemos dessa história a partir da piada de piano em "The Reptile Room", vários flashbacks de Snicket e várias outras evidências da série.

Analisando suas explicações:

  • Eu não gosto de (2) porque os eventos parecem bastante desconectados um do outro. É um salto bastante lógico ir de "Lulu é Caliban" para "os malucos são os órfãos".
  • Eu também não gosto (4), porque eu suponho que o episódio seria dramaticamente mais curto se fosse esse o caso. Lembre-se, Olaf só precisa de um dos Baudelaire vivos.
  • (5) não é muito uma explicação, porque apenas move a questão para Esme. Como ela sabia? (Também, às vezes, Esme é menos inteligente do que Olaf, então, sem dúvida, esse piora o problema . )
  • (1), (3) e (6) todos parecem razoáveis, dado o que discuti acima.
  • No entanto, em relação aos livros, isso "parece" um furo para mim. O enredo exige que Olaf só descubra a verdade no final, e parece que não temos uma explicação sólida de como isso aconteceria.
26.11.2018 / 20:44

A resposta é um grande spoiler dos livros. Se você ainda não leu, eu o aconselho a fazê-lo, pois isso inevitavelmente levará a um desgosto.

so, the world of Lemony Snicket is pretty much one of very dumb people. Functional, but dumb. Throughout the series there are hints that keep popping up- “VFD” which stands for Volunteer Fire Department. The idea is that there are a handful of quite brilliant people out there whose Volunteer to put out Fires around the world. Fires being anything from acts of war to just setting up stable societies. But every once in a while, a Volunteer decides that really, their job is to set the fires, because without that chaos, there is no change. Olaf is one of those people. He is able to get away with obvious disguises because people in this world look only on the surface and never question otherwise. But people in VFD are generally more intelligent, less trusting, and have been trained in both methods of disguise as well as how to pierce them by not just believing whatever the surface reality is. Olaf is therefore able to tell the reality at a glance. He is dumb, and arguably this is why he is more an agent of chaos, but in comparison to the rest of the world, is quite intelligent.

14.04.2018 / 19:06