Isso soa muito parecido com El-Hazard . Há um "deus demoníaco" (antigo robô supertecnológico) chamado Ifurita, que é acordado e controlado pela equipe e três sacerdotisas com poderes elementares. Outros elementos que você pode achar familiar se este é o que você está pensando: uma estética das Noites Árabes, pessoas invasoras, torres de quilômetros de altura espalhadas pela paisagem, uma gigantesca lua esférica pairando no céu.
When Makoto Mizuhara discovers an old monument in his school and awakens a beautiful woman he, his teacher, his worst enemy and one of his female friends is transported to the magnificent world of El Hazard. There they discovers that they have received special powers. Makoto and his teacher Fujisawa land in a jungle and save a princess from very large bugs. Makoto's friend Nanami lands in a desert. And Makoto's rival, Jinnai, lands in the middle of the bug's kingdom and becomes their general, plotting to destroy Makoto and his new friends. After having his attacks repelled by Makoto several times, Jinnai learns about an ultimate weapon, the demon Ifurita. Everyone sets out to find it, and when they do Makoto learns that she is the same woman that sent them to El Hazard. But the one gaining control of her is Jinnai.