História de origem de Skye


Como a história de origem de Skye é revelada, eu me vejo inseguro sobre um elemento no Episódio 112: Sementes ...

Coulson reveals that the team that eventually got her to the Orphanage was responding to an 0-8-4 (unknown alien artifact).

It is also mentioned that most of the team died to protect Skye, and di some other untoward things, including forging Level 8 credentials in order to hide her.

O que eu não sei: Skye é a 0-8-4?

por aramis 25.01.2014 / 04:05

1 resposta

Parece que você perdeu parte da conversa:

Lumley: "He was still holding on to the 0-8-4. Poor thing was covered in blood. We thought she was dead, too. But.. she was just asleep in the dead agent's arms."

Coulson: "Wait.. the baby? The girl was the 0-8-4?"

Lumley: "She had powers or something, we never witnessed it."

They go on to explain that they used SHIELD resources to hide the baby, shifting her from foster home to foster home. The end of the episode makes it clear that the baby is Skye, and the conversation quoted above makes it clear that the baby was also the 0-8-4.

Also, an 0-8-4 is an "object of unknown origin", not necessarily alien.

25.01.2014 / 04:53