Sim! A perna quebrada é significativa. Quando as bruxas estão participando da peça, porque Hwel as confundiu com seus próprios atores, Hwel lhes dá uma palestra que conclui com: "Quebre uma perna". Depois que ele sai, Nanny murmura: "Quebre sua própria perna."
Hwel slapped Magrat on the bottom. "Good complexion you've got there, Wilph," he said encouragingly. "But for goodness' sake use a bit more padding, you're still the wrong shape. Fine warts there, Billem. I must say," he added, standing back, "you look as nasty a bunch of hags as a body might hope to clap eyes on. Well done. Shame about the wigs. Now run along. Curtain up on one minute. Break a leg."
Nanny squinted sullenly after Hwel. "Break your own leg," she muttered.