Na franquia Diablo, que distinção podemos fazer entre magos, feiticeiros e magos?


Os Horadrim são compostos de 'Magi', as classes de Diablo I & II são Feiticeiros e a classe de Diablo III chama-se Feiticeiro (para se distinguir dos Feiticeiros / Magos?).

Existe alguma nuance nesses nomes que podemos inferir de romances, cinemáticas ou de outra forma da franquia?

Nota: Eu não considero o material em páginas wiki como canônico, a menos que ele faça referência a um texto oficial.

por AncientSwordRage 02.05.2012 / 22:21

1 resposta

Os três podem ser divididos pela sua escolaridade ou status dentro dos clãs de mago.

Magi pode ser aplicado como um termo genérico ou, mais propriamente, para um dos clãs de mago do Oriente.

Os feiticeiros não têm essa afiliação oficial, mas compartilham o treinamento dos magos e usam magia de maneira similar. Eles podem ser considerados magos errantes.

Os feiticeiros são usuários de magia desonestos, nascidos de seu próprio talento, em vez de aprender dentro dos magos-clãs e de suas escolas de magia. Eles não respeitam as mesmas normas que os magos e feiticeiros.

Do manual do Diablo I:

Although practitioners of the mystic arts are scarce within the often superstitious and religious lands of the West, many magi have made the pilgrimage from the Far East to see for themselves what horrors lie beneath the ruined Cathedral of Khanduras. The veiled Brotherhood of the Vizjerei, one of the eldest and most dominant mage-clans of the East, has sent many of its acolytes to observe the dark events unfolding in Khanduras first hand.

The Vizjerei, known for their brightly colored turinash -or spirit-robes have taken a keen interest in both gathering knowledge of demons and seeing them slain. The Vizjerei elders hope that their acolytes will learn the secrets of the dark evil that they sense growing in the West and can destroy it. The possibility of discovering long-lost tomes of magical knowledge within the confines of the labyrinth has also captured the interest of many wandering Sorcerers.

De descrição de classe do Assistente da Blizzard em Diablo III:

Magic-users hail from academies throughout Sanctuary – from Xiansai to Caldeum – bearing monikers like "sorcerer" and "mage," but those who would refer to themselves with the derogatory epithet "wizard" are as similar to their fellow spellcasters as a lion is to a kitten. Wizards and sorcerers both wield the hidden mysteries of the arcane; there, the commonalities end.

Wizards are known for a number of qualities: not only rebelliousness and flair, but also disdain for the endless lessons and prattling about caution and safety that echo from academic schools of magic. Wizards’ superior attitudes seem to stem from their natural talent – their ability to wrestle the ambient force of magic into submission and direct it to their ends by will and instinct. Any accidents that might occur due to their lack of finesse are unfortunate…but that rarely stops wizards from indulging in their unstable power.

03.05.2012 / 00:21