Onde está Howland Reed?

Por que Howland Reed não enviou homens e / ou veio lutar com Robb na guerra dos 5 Reis ou com Jon na Batalha dos Bastardos? E por que Bran mandou Rickon para os Umbers e não para Reed quando Rickon precisou ser escondido.

por conceptualinertia 11.07.2017 / 14:35

2 respostas


Batalha dos Bastardos não aconteceu nos livros ... ainda.

Ordens de Robb

Quanto à sua questão principal, porque Robb ordenou a Howland Reed para ficar lá e sangrar os Lannister se eles decidirem marchar para o norte.

"If he comes so far, but no one thinks he will," Robb said. "I've sent word to Howland Reed, Father's old friend at Greywater Watch. If the Lannisters come up the Neck, the crannogmen will bleed them every step of the way, but Galbart Glover says Lord Tywin is too smart for that, and Roose Bolton agrees. He'll stay close to the Trident, they believe, taking the castles of the river lords one by one, until Riverrun stands alone. We need to march south to meet him."
AGOT- Catelyn VIII

Tradições históricas dos Crannogmen

Tenha em mente que esse é o papel histórico que os Crannogmen têm desempenhado, guardando o portão sul do norte.

The northern boundary of the Stark domains was protected by the Wall and the men of the Night's Watch, whilst to the south, the only way through the swamps of the Neck passed below the ruined towers and sinking walls of the great fortress called Moat Cailin. Even when the Marsh Kings held the Moat, their crannogmen stood staunch against any invaders from the south, allying with the Barrow Kings, Red Kings, and Kings of Winter as need be to turn back any southron lord who sought to attack the North. And once King Rickard Stark added the Neck to his domain, Moat Cailin proved even more imposing—a bulwark against the powers of the south. Few sought to push past it, and the histories say that none ever succeeded.
TWOIAF- The North: The Kings of Winter

Liege Levies de Crannogmen

Enquanto Lorde Reed ia ficar para trás, ele certamente enviava seus impostos como era seu dever.

"He must march soon, or not at all," Maester Luwin said. "The winter town is full to bursting, and this army of his will eat the countryside clean if it camps here much longer. Others are waiting to join him all along the kingsroad, barrow knights and crannogmen and the Lords Manderly and Flint. The fighting has begun in the riverlands, and your brother has many leagues to go."

Escudo de Robb e mão strong

Mais tarde, quando o norte foi invadido por Squids, foi Howland Reed que Robb depositou suas esperanças. (Embora não esteja claro se Howland Reed recebeu a missiva de Robb):

"Tell Howland Reed that he is to send guides to me, two days after I have started up the causeway.


"Go upriver flying my banner. The crannogmen will find you. I want two ships to double the chances of my message reaching Howland Reed. Lady Maege shall go on one, Galbart on the second." He turned to the two he'd named.


Galbart Glover rubbed his mouth. "There are risks. If the crannogmen should fail you . . ."

"We will be no worse than before. But they will not fail. My father knew the worth of Howland Reed." Robb rolled up the map.
ASOS- Catelyn V

Escolha pessoal

Outra razão é que, desde a volta da Rebelião, Howland Reed se tornou um recluso. Bran também observou isso:

Finally all of the principal vassals of House Stark had been heard from save for Howland Reed the crannogman, who had not set foot outside his swamps for many a year

Resistência do Norte

Mais tarde, foram os Crannogmen e Lord Reed que continuaram a resistência do Norte contra os Ironborn:

"I beached her beneath Norne Goodbrother's castle and rode across the island." She sat upon a stool and helped herself unasked to Nute the Barber's wine. Nute raised no objection; he had passed out drunk some time ago. "Who holds the Moat?"

"Ralf Kenning. With the Young Wolf dead, only the bog devils remain to plague us."
AFFC- The Iron Captain

Como Rickon acabou onde ele acabou?

Bran não decidiu onde Rickon iria. Foi Maester Luwin. Ele disse a Asha que os meninos não deveriam ficar juntos e deixar o resto para ela. Foi o que ela fez. Nos livros, há rumores de que Rickon está em Skagos, não em Last Hearth.

"Listen," Luwin said to Osha, "the princes . . . Robb's heirs. Not . . . not together . . . do you hear?"

The wildling woman leaned on her spear. "Aye. Safer apart. But where to take them? I'd thought, might be these Cerwyns . . ."

Maester Luwin shook his head, though it was plain to see what the effort cost him. "Cerwyn boy's dead. Ser Rodrik, Leobald Tallhart, Lady Hornwood . . . all slain. Deepwood fallen, Moat Cailin, soon Torrhen's Square. Ironmen on the Stony Shore. And east, the Bastard of Bolton."

"Then where?" asked Osha.

"White Harbor . . . the Umbers . . . I do not know . . . war everywhere . . . each man against his neighbor, and winter coming . . . such folly, such black mad folly . . ." Maester Luwin reached up and grasped Bran's forearm, his fingers closing with a desperate strength. "You must be strong now. Strong."


Esta parte é mera especulação. Dada a forma como o show continua saltando os detalhes (por muitos motivos legítimos), eu costumo ficar longe de Mostrar perguntas agora. Será retirado assim que alguém postar uma resposta Show-POV.

Bran não enviou Rickon para Greywater Watch Porque a estrada para o sul estava cheia de Ironmen. Moat Callin havia caído no Ironborn junto com muitas outras áreas costeiras. Última Casa, a sede da Casa Umber ainda estava segura.

Por que Reed não desempenhou um papel na Guerra dos Cinco Reis ou na Batalha dos Bastardos? Bem, isso é porque D & D. Eles provavelmente não acharam que valeu a pena.

Posição do GRRM sobre quando o Howland Reed aparecerá

Em correspondência com um fã, é isso que George disse :

Question 3: It had been stated that Howland Reed would come out in The Winds of Winter, which is the 5th book. Will he still come in the 5th book (A Dance with Dragon)?

Answer: He will appear eventually.

Ele aparecerá e desempenhará um papel mais ativo quando George julgar que a hora é certa para a grande revelação.

Conclusão (somente livros)

  1. Howland Reed ficou para trás pessoalmente porque Robb mandou ele.
  2. Ele forneceu soldados para o exército de Robb quando Robb chamou os banners.
  3. Ele está fazendo sua parte na guerra muito bem.
  4. Bran não tinha controle sobre o destino de Rickon.
  5. Rickon não foi para os Umbers.
11.07.2017 / 14:43

Não se esqueça que Jojen e Meera Reed, filhos de Howland que estão em Winterfell, ajudam Bran e Rickon a escapar! Na época, era perigoso demais ir para o sul.

Howland ajudou Robb na Guerra dos Cinco Reis:

"If he comes so far, but no one thinks he will," Robb said. "I've sent word to Howland Reed, Father's old friend at Greywater Watch. If the Lannisters come up the Neck, the crannogmen will bleed them every step of the way, but Galbart Glover says Lord Tywin is too smart for that, and Roose Bolton agrees. - A Game of Thrones - Catelyn VIII

Eles podem não ter sido de grande ajuda para um exército permanente com armaduras pesadas:

They were a poor folk, fishers and frog-hunters who lived in houses of thatch and woven reeds on floating islands hidden in the deeps of the swamp. It was said that they were a cowardly people who fought with poisoned weapons and preferred to hide from foes rather than face them in open battle. - A Clash of Kings - Bran III

Mas eles ainda representam uma ameaça, especialmente dentro de suas próprias terras:

Moat Cailin sits on the edge of the bogs. Lord Howland can make your uncle's occupation a visit to hell if he chooses, but so long as you hold his heirs he must stay his hand." - A Clash of Kings - Theon IV

"There are ways through the Neck that are not on any map, Uncle. Ways known only to the crannogmen—narrow trails between the bogs, and wet roads through the reeds that only boats can follow." He turned to his two messengers. "Tell Howland Reed that he is to send guides to me, two days after I have started up the causeway. To the center battle, where my own standard flies. - A Storm of Swords - Catelyn V

Então "Where is Howland Reed" ... Ele está em suas próprias terras ajudando o Norte da melhor maneira possível devido aos seus recursos limitados e à falta de um grande exército.

11.07.2017 / 14:49