Por que “Superman IV: A Busca pela Paz” foi filmado na Inglaterra?


Eu notei recentemente que no Superman 4 algumas das Configurações de Nova York parecem a Inglaterra. Por que eles não filmaram em Nova York?

por Luka Keats 23.07.2018 / 15:05

1 resposta


Wikipedia explica ...

Production of Superman IV began in 1986. In his autobiography, Still Me, Reeve described filming the movie:

We were also hampered by budget constraints and cutbacks in all departments. Cannon Films had nearly thirty projects in the works at the time, and Superman IV received no special consideration. For example, Konner and Rosenthal wrote a scene in which Superman lands on 42nd Street and walks down the double yellow lines to the United Nations, where he gives a speech. If that had been a scene in Superman I, we would actually have shot it on 42nd Street. Richard Donner would have choreographed hundreds of pedestrians and vehicles and cut to people gawking out of office windows at the sight of Superman walking down the street like the Pied Piper. Instead, we had to shoot at an industrial park in England in the rain with about a hundred extras, not a car in sight, and a dozen pigeons thrown in for atmosphere. Even if the story had been brilliant, I don't think that we could ever have lived up to the audience's expectations with this approach.

     Os comentários em DVD de Rosenthal apontavam essa cena como um exemplo do corte de orçamento de Cannon. De acordo com Rosenthal, Reeve e o diretor Furie imploraram para poder filmar essa sequência em Nova York em frente ao prédio das Nações Unidas, porque todos sabiam como eles pareciam e o cenário de Milton Keynes não se parecia nada com eles, mas Cannon recusou. De acordo com Rosenthal, eles estavam "beliscando centavos a cada passo".

     A casa de infância de Superman em Smallville foi construída em fazendas perto de Baldock, em North Hertfordshire, embora o cenário original de Superman: The Movie ainda estivesse no Canadá. [16] [17]

23.07.2018 / 15:45