A série de quadrinhos chamou de "Bad Blood"
Embora eu não tenha certeza, eles são o mesmo que o apresentado no filme, a série de quadrinhos "Predator" apresentou um conceito similar desde 1993 :
Bad Blood is the phrase used for any Yautja that has turned against its own kind and severely violated aspects of the Yautja Honor Code - intentional or not.
If the individual is found to have brought dishonor to his people and flees before accepting punishment, there can be no forgiveness according to Predator tradition. Other Predators are allowed to eliminate the outcasts on sight. Bad Bloods are never accepted back into Predator society. Wandering aimlessly, some Bad Bloods have been known to hunt and slay anything alive, including other Predators.
Bad Bloods are seen as more hostile and "mentally unstable" Predators. These sadistic hunters still use skills taught to them by their brothers, but use them dishonorably and purely for their own personal gain
O wiki " Alien vs Predator" afirma que os "Super Predadores" podem ser de fato um Sangue Ruim clã.