Alguém pode lembrar o nome e autor de uma história em que uma nave espacial usa fio de cobre como combustível? [duplicado]


Havia uma história sobre um viajante espacial que ficou sem combustível e ficou preso em um planeta estranho. O combustível de que precisava era um rolo de fio de cobre, que ele acabou tirando do laboratório de um ser vivo indeterminado que criou outras belas formas de vida.

Como o nosso mítico astronauta escapou do "criador" foi para o equivalente a um arquivo e notou algo na ordem de "... o experimento na sol 3 foi moderadamente bem sucedido ..."

por Chuck 15.01.2018 / 19:25

1 resposta

Isso é " Hobbyist " de Eric Frank Russell, como por link .

Within ten minutes he'd found a great coil of the coppery metal, a huge ovoid, intricately wound, lying beside a disassembled machine... ...His hands were trembling slightly but his hawklike face was firm, phlegmatic as he carefully threaded the wire's end through the automatic injector and into the feed hole of the Kingston-Kanes.

Está disponível no arquivo da Internet .

De lá, verifiquei que você lembrava da finalização corretamente:

Down on Oron, deep in the monster workshop, the golden giant paused blindly as if listening. Then it slid stealthily along the immense aisles, reached the filing system. A compartment opened, two glassy plates came out.

For a moment the plates contacted the Oron's strange, sparkling substance, became etched with an array of tiny dots. They were returned to the compartment, and the door closed. The golden glory with its imprisoned stars then glided quietly back to the machine section.

Something nearer to the gods had scribbled its notes. Nothing lower in the scale of life could have translated them or deduced their full purport.

In simplest sense, one plate may have been inscribed, "Biped, erect, pink, homo intelligens type P.739, planted on Sol III, Condensation Arm BDB — moderately successful."

Similarly, the other plate may have recorded, "Flapwing, large, hook-beaked, vari-colored, periquito macao type K.8, planted on Sol III, Condensation Arm BDB — moderately successful."

But already the sparkling hobbyist had forgotten his passing notes. He was breathing his essence upon a jeweled moth.

15.01.2018 / 19:36