Como User22484 observa em seu comentário, a questão dos direitos autorais é tratada no episódio da Voyager Autor, Autor .
Em resumo,
Os autores têm o direito de determinar como obras de arte ou autorias verdadeiramente originais são atribuídas, distribuídas e tratadas.
Eles têm especificamente o direito de não alterar seus trabalhos sem a permissão explícita deles.
O não cumprimento pode resultar em recall, mesmo se resultar em perda de reputação ou dano financeiro (fora da Federação) para a organização que faz a distribuição.
TUVOK: Your honour, Section seven gamma of the Twelfth Guarantee defines an artist as a person who creates an original artistic work. Mister Broht admits that the Doctor created this programme and that it is original. I therefore submit that the Doctor should be entitled to all rights and privileges accorded an artist under the law.
ARBITRATOR: We're exploring new territory today, so it is fitting that this hearing is being held at Pathfinder. The Doctor exhibits many of the traits we associate with a person. Intelligence, creativity, ambition, even fallibility. But are these traits real, or is the Doctor merely programmed to simulate them? To be honest, I don't know. Eventually we will have to decide, because the issue of holographic rights isn't going to go away. But at this time, I am not prepared to rule that the Doctor is a person under the law. However, it is obvious he is no ordinary hologram and while I can't say with certainty that he is a person, I am willing to extend the legal definition of artist to include the Doctor. I therefore rule that he has the right to control his work. I'm ordering all copies of his holo-novels to be recalled immediately.