De onde veio o rio do lodo rosa?


[ Fonte ]

Na sequela , o Ghostbusters descubra um rio de lodo rosa por baixo de Manhattan.
O lodo reage às emoções, positivas ou negativas, e pode, portanto, ser usado para o bem ou para o mal.

Inicialmente eu achei que o vilão do filme, Vigo, o Cárpato , era de alguma forma responsável pela criação do slime, mas por causa de suas características 'neutras' eu queria saber se ele tinha uma origem diferente. >

Minha pergunta:

  • Era Vigo por trás da criação do lodo rosa ou veio de algum lugar / outra pessoa?
por Oliver_C 23.01.2013 / 00:03

1 resposta

Do Wiki dos Ghostbusters :

The origin of the Mood Slime is tied to a juvenile Sloar, held in Shandor's Island, beneath the Hudson River.

Before his death, Ivo Shandor and his Cult of Gozer had somehow lured the young Sloar from its home hell dimension and imprisoned it in our world within a Ghostworld pocket at the heart of Shandor's island mansion. Fueled by hatred, bile and anger the creature produced a steady stream of Black Slime.

Ivo Shandor, through experimentation and using equipment decades ahead of it's time, converted the Black Slime into what became known as the Mood Slime, which was then pumped directly into New York's sewers and abandoned tunnels, possibly as a means to help Gozer's crossing over.

This act was later used by Vigo to his own advantage.

23.01.2013 / 00:55