A mostra a transcrição da BuffyWorld observa que o Príncipe das Mentiras era velho e levemente barrigudo, ambos teria contribuído para suas habilidades de luta pobres contra um vampiro em condição superior como Angel.
Nostroyev is wearing a luxurious costume resembling late 19th century European aristocratic fashion. He's got a pointed beard and a substantial beer belly. The Prince of Lies is a bald, creepy-looking pale vampire—clearly very old as his pointed ears, odd teeth and bony fingers demonstrate. He stands hunched over and holds his long-fingernailed hands together in front of him.
Ele parece ter sido pego inteiramente de surpresa pelo ataque de Angel.
Angel steps back, seemingly allowing Nostroyev to pass, but punches him in the stomach instead. Angel grabs the axe out of Nostroyev's hands, punching him in the stomach with the handle, breaking it. Angel thrusts the splintered wooden handle through Nostroyev's chest, causing Nostroyev to scream and turn into dust.