A passagem é:
He decided to determine precisely which humans were being held on the ship. He touched a familiar female mind. Asta Lenser, the prima ballerina with the American Ballet Theater. She was thinking about a man. A man who was having a great deal of difficulty performing. As his stocky, sweat slick body pounded down on hers, struggling for release, she was thinking how ironic it was that a man with his power couldn’t get it up. The most feared man in—
Asta não está fazendo sexo com ninguém na época da sonda de Tachyon. Ela está pensando em fazer sexo com alguém, a saber
Kien Phuc, head of the Shadow Fists. This is a clue that she is one of his people, as we see later in the same story when she pockets the Network teleportation device.