Odo luta com o mesmo conceito. Eventualmente, ele discute isso com o Female Changeling (em DS9: Behind the Lines ) que o aconselha que ele conceito de individualidade é uma falsidade. Existe apenas um changeling. Quando surge a necessidade de interagir com o mundo exterior, ele desdobra partes de si mesmo em entidades separadas e, quando elas acabam sendo úteis, elas retornam ao Great Link e deixam de existir, exceto como memórias armazenadas.
ODO: You haven't told me your name.
FOUNDER: What use would I have for a name?
ODO: To differentiate yourself from the others.
FOUNDER: I don't.
ODO: But you are a separate being, aren't you?
FOUNDER: In a sense.
ODO: When you return to the Link, what will happen to the entity I'm talking to right now?
FOUNDER: The drop becomes the ocean.
ODO: And if you choose to take solid form again?
FOUNDER: The ocean becomes a drop.
ODO: Ah, yes. I think I'm beginning to understand.
FOUNDER: Then you can answer your own question. How many of us are there?
ODO: One. And many. It depends on how you look at it.
FOUNDER: Very good. You are beginning to understand. But there's so much you don't know.