No novo cânon, o que realmente sabemos sobre Darth Plagueis?


Eu li e adorei Darth Plagueis mas com todas as mudanças recentes o que é e o que não é canônico, estou perdendo a noção.

Existe uma teoria comum de que o Supremo Líder Snoke é Darth Plagueis, a maioria é descontada porque Plagueis é um Muun. Mas de onde vem essa informação? Que informação canônica atual temos sobre Plagueis que refuta essa teoria e o que foi marcado como Legends?

por Liath 02.12.2016 / 11:32

2 respostas

O personagem de Darth Plagueis é mencionado apenas em duas fontes: Episódio III e o novo Tarkin .

A única informação do Episódio III é que

Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life ... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


He became so powerful ... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep.

Darth Sidious/Palpatine (source)

Um pouco mais de informação sobre Plagueis é dada em Tarkin . Talvez o mais importante seja o fato de que Plagueis era de fato o mestre de Sidious.

Save for Sidious, no sentient being in close to five thousand years had set foot in the shrine [under the former Jedi Temple]. The room’s excavation and restoration had been carried out by machines under the supervision of 11-4D. Even Vader was unaware of the shrine’s existence. But it was here that they would one day work together the way Sidious and Plagueis had to coax from the dark side its final secrets. In the intervening years he had actually come to appreciate Plagueis for the planner and prophet he had been. Such perilous machinations required two Sith, one to serve as bait for the dark side, the other to be the vessel. Success would grant them the power to harness the full powers of the dark side, and allow them to rule for ten thousand years.

p. 101

Em outros lugares, é mencionado que o droid 11-4D era de propriedade de Plagueis.

Plagueis ainda estava vivo quando Sidious se tornou senador de Naboo, o que é consistente com o romance Legends Darth Plagueis :

[Sidious and Tarkin] had met several years after Sidious -- still an apprentice of Darth Plagueis at the time -- had been appointed Naboo’s representative to the Republic Senate.

p. 102

Plagueis na Força:

Darth Plagueis had once remarked that “the Force can strike back.” The death of a star didn’t necessarily curtail its light, and indeed Sidious could see evidence of that sometimes even in Vader—the barest flicker of persistent light.

p. 102

Plagueis desprezou questões políticas "triviais" e não previu que Sidious se tornaria Imperador:

The Emperor spent a long moment studying Ison and Rancit, stretching out with his powers to discern alignments, configurations, some syzygy of events. Then his thoughts turned to Vader and Tarkin. He appreciated how well they were working together, but he began to wonder if they were perhaps too close to the details of the dissidents’ scheme to recognize their ultimate objective. One needed to have a safe remove, as he felt he had, gazing into the 3-D representation of the galaxy he had made his own. How Plagueis would have mocked him for allowing himself to become personally involved in such a seemingly trivial matter; but then his Master had never foreseen that his onetime apprentice would become Emperor.

p. 103

É isso. Isso é tudo o que sabemos sobre Plagueis estritamente do cânon. Nós não conhecemos as espécies de Plagueis. A prova principal de que Plagueis não é Snoke sai do universo, de Pable Hidalgo. No universo, a melhor evidência é que Plagueis precisa ter morrido para que a profecia do Escolhido seja verdadeira ( Chosen One deveria destruir o Sith ); Anakin é o Escolhido , então ele não poderia ter destruído o Sith se Snoke for Plagueis.

02.12.2016 / 15:55

Da trilogia anterior temos isso.

Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


(é claro que Palpatine nem sempre foi 100% sincero, então isso pode até ser contestado)

Existe a página ' Cannon ' no wiki de star wars para ele.

Aparentemente, ele é mencionado no romance de Tarkin (escrito pelo mesmo autor de Plagueis), eu não tenho que expandir o que é dito lá.

02.12.2016 / 14:42
