Novela onde surge um predador


Novela onde o alienígena entra em uma sala através da parede e convida o autor a publicar tudo através da galáxia e o predador o persegue para satisfazer uma lei universal

por I Crawford 17.05.2016 / 20:41

1 resposta

Novela onde surge um predador

Dimensão dos Milagres , um romance de 1968 de Robert Sheckley . Talvez você reconheça uma das essas capas . Resumo do enredo de Wikipédia :

Thanks to a computer error, Tom Carmody, an unlucky civil servant, wins the main prize of the Galactic Lottery. Being a human from the Earth, he doesn't possess galactic status and shouldn't even be eligible. However, he obtains the Prize before the mistake is found out and is allowed to keep it. That's when his adventure begins, since, not being a space-traveling creature, he has no homing instinct that can guide him back to Earth, and so the galactic lottery organizers cannot transport him home. At the same time, his removal from his home environment has caused, by the 'universal law of predation', a predatory entity to spring into existence that perpetually pursues and aims to destroy him. So Carmody is forced to be on the run, and with the help of his Prize meets several well-meaning (but usually not very competent) aliens that attempt to find where, when and which Earth he belongs on. He ends up transporting from Earth to Earth: different phases and realities of his planet, which of course, is not in the time or condition he expects it to be.

Novela onde o alienígena entra na sala pela parede

O mensageiro alienígena não vem através da parede, mas aparece inexplicavelmente no meio da sala de estar de Carmody:

A moment later there was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning from the middle of the living room. Carmody sat upright and clutched at his throat for no particular reason. The thunder rumbled for several seconds, then was replaced by a paean of trumpets. Carmody hastily removed his feet from the marble table. The trumpets ceased, and were replaced by a brave skirling of bagpipes. There was another flash of lightning, and a man appeared in the middle of the brilliance.

e convida o autor a publicar em toda a galáxia

Não, não há nada sobre publicação, e o protagonista não é um autor, ele é algum tipo de funcionário de escritório:

It had been a typically unsatisfactory day. Carmody had gone to the office, flirted mildly with Miss Gibson, disagreed respectfully with Mr. Wainbock, and spent fifteen minutes with Mr. Blackwell, discussing the outlook for the football Giants.

O mensageiro veio dizer a Carmody que ele ganhou um prêmio:

Then I shall explain; you, Mr. Carmody, have won a Prize in the Intergalactic Sweepstakes. Your coefficients were pulled by the Random Selector for Part IV, Class 32 Life-Forms. Your Prize—a very handsome Prize, I believe—is waiting for you at Galactic Center."

e predador persegue-o para satisfazer uma lei universal

"Your predator was born out of a personification and solidification of universal law. This predator can feed exclusively and solely on you. The creature is shaped as a respondent and complement to your characteristics. Even without seeing it, we can know that its jaws are shaped to bite Carmodys, its limbs are articulated to seize and grasp Carmodys, its stomach has the peculiar and unique ability to digest Carmodys, and its personality is designed to take advantage of the Carmodic personality."

17.05.2016 / 20:54