Quem no Potterverse consegue fazer mágica apenas tarde na vida?


Q: Will there be, or have there been, any “late blooming” students in the school who come into their magic potential as adults, rather than as children? By the way, I loved meeting you, and hearing you speak, when you came to Anderson's in Naperville. I can hardly wait until you tour again.

JKR: Ahhh! I loved the event at Anderson’s. It was one of my favorites. That is completely true. No, is the answer. In my books, magic almost always shows itself in a person before age 11; however, there is a character who does manage in desperate circumstances to do magic quite late in life, but that is very rare in the world I am writing about.

(src: Barnes and Noble interview with J.K.Rowling, March 19, 1999)

A quem se refere JKR em "há um personagem"?

Claramente, não é um estudante; então o palpite mais óbvio de "Neville Longbottom" está errado - ambos devido a "não" resposta em relação à questão em si, e ao fato de Neville florescer em seu sexto / sétimo ano, bem antes que você possa legitimamente chamar "bastante tarde" .

por DVK-on-Ahch-To 16.09.2013 / 22:41

1 resposta

Por comentário de Slytherincess, JK Rowling pretendia introduzir um personagem trouxa / aborto no último romance que de alguma forma aprenderia a fazer magia, mas então simplesmente decidiu levar a história em uma direção diferente e nunca escreveu sobre esse indivíduo (por exemplo, depois que ela deu a entrevista acima);

Interviewer: You promised that someone will do magic late in life in book 7. I’ve now read it three times but can't work out who it might have been! Please help!!

J.K. Rowling: I’m sorry about this, but I changed my mind! My very earliest plan for the story involved somebody managing to get to Hogwarts when they had never done magic before, but I had changed my mind by the time I’d written the third book.

15.02.2014 / 23:28