faz J.K. Rowling nega escrever fantasia?


De este artigo (sobre o recente protesto de autores da SFF contra o comportamento discriminatório da BBC).

JK Rowling sadly felt she had to deny she was writing fantasy with her Harry Potter series – although as Terry Pratchett responded: “I would have thought that the wizards, witches, trolls, unicorns, hidden worlds, jumping chocolate frogs, owl mail, magic food, ghosts, broomsticks and spells would have given her a clue?”

Alguém pode fornecer referências a isso? Foi porque ela não quis rotular seus trabalhos como fantasia?

por apoorv020 23.04.2011 / 22:11

4 respostas

J. K. Rowling afirmou que ela não gosta de fantasia, e não lhe ocorreu que Harry Potter era uma fantasia até depois dela ter escrito, de acordo com uma entrevista em 2005 com a Time Magazine .

The most popular living fantasy writer in the world doesn't even especially like fantasy novels. It wasn't until after Sorcerer's Stone was published that it even occurred to her that she had written one. "That's the honest truth," she says. "You know, the unicorns were in there. There was the castle, God knows. But I really had not thought that that's what I was doing. And I think maybe the reason that it didn't occur to me is that I'm not a huge fan of fantasy." Rowling has never finished The Lord of the Rings. She hasn't even read all of C.S. Lewis' Narnia novels, which her books get compared to a lot.


Hang on--other things? It's disconcerting to think of Rowling stepping out on Harry and the gang with another set of characters. But at least we can say Harry is Rowling's last wizard. From here on out, it's Muggles only. "I think I can say categorically that I will not write another fantasy after Harry," she says, making herself and her publicists, who hover nearby, visibly nervous. "Wait, now I'm panicking. Oh, my God! Yes, I'm sure I can say that. I think I will have exhausted the possibilities of that. For me." Beyond that, she isn't giving away many clues, but she's approaching the project with her usual ruthless skepticism. "We'll have to see if it's good enough to be published. I mean, that is a real concern, obviously, because the first thing I write post Harry could be absolutely dreadful, and, you know, people will buy it. So, you know, you're left with this real insecurity."

23.04.2011 / 22:38

Do Electronic Telegraph , 1997:

Yet she [JK Rowling] says that fantasy doesn't greatly appeal to her.

"I don't read it; and it feels odd to speak of what I've written as fantasy. It's all set obviously in a very fantastical context, but some of the characters I think we've all met. Harry has no parents to love; his affections and loyalties are to his friends, but there are adults around who he feels might be his parents. I'm far more interested in those ideas."

Do australiano de 1998 :

These days well-meaning people give Rowling fantasy books to read. But she prefers Jane Austen and Roddy Doyle. "Fantasy is not my favourite genre. Although I love C. S. Lewis, I have a problem with his imitators."

A partir da Newsweek , 2000:

"In fact, I don't really like fantasy. It's not so much that I don't like it, I really haven't read a lot of it. <...> It didn't occur to me for quite a while that I was writing fantasy when I'd started "Harry Potter," because I'm a bit slow on the uptake about those things. I was so caught up in it. And I was about two thirds of the way through, and I suddenly thought, This has got unicorns in it. I'm writing fantasy!"

De Live AOL Chat , 2001:

Q: Why did you focus on magic?

JKR: It chose me. I never really sat down & thought 'what shall I focus on' and in fact, I don't really read fantasy; it's not my favourite genre.

Entrevista com Steven Kloves , que escreveu Harry Potter roteiros, Escrito por , 2001:

"I confessed to Jo right away that I wasn't a fan of fantasy," he says. "She said, 'Relax, neither am I.'"

Para 2005, além do artigo The Times mencionado acima, há uma transcrição da conferência de imprensa da ITV onde ela diz:

JK Rowling: That is one thing I can definitely rule out I don't think I will write any more fantasy books. The reason for that, obviously I have now written a huge long fantasy which will be longer when it is finished and I think I have really put my best fantasy ideas into Harry Potter and if I try to write another fantasy I would feel it was second best. And I love the characters I have written in Harry Potter so much, maybe it will feel like a slight betrayal if I did a second fantasy. I would like to just, that to be my one and only brave stab at that genre, I think.

11.09.2011 / 20:54

Na verdade, é um fato bem conhecido que muitos autores que estão trabalhando no gênero de fantasia ou ficção científica não necessariamente se vêem como autores de ficção científica / fantasia; e, em vez disso, escreva sobre humanos, idéias, história e filosofia, etc ...; com sci-fi / fantasia sendo apenas dispositivos de enredo que eles empregam.

Entre os mais conhecidos são:

  • Stanislaw Lem

  • Irmãos Strugatsky (cuja importância para a ficção científica soviética pode ser pensada de Heinlein + Asimov juntos)

  • Indo mais para trás, Bulgakov e ainda mais Gogol.

  • E indo ainda mais longe, por que não Homer?

24.04.2011 / 00:51

Ela negou ter escrito fantasia porque Harry Potter não é fantasia.

13.08.2017 / 23:34