Procurando por um fanfic específico de Harry Potter, onde Harry fica com Snape durante o verão do 2º ano


Estou procurando por um fanfic de Harry Potter, que eu estava lendo no É a AU começando no verão do segundo ano de Harry. Harry tem que ficar com Snape durante o verão em Hogwarts. Eu lembro que Snape não não era Harry em seus quartos, então ele o coloca em um sótão e o deixa sozinho. Harry dorme em um sofá, que costumava estar no salão do professor, mas Lockheart havia quebrado tinta rosa / violeta nele. Snape vai checar Harry e descobrir que ele fez uma pequena sala com móveis antigos.

Isso é tudo o que me lembro, obrigado por qualquer ajuda.

por Drummond 03.05.2016 / 00:44

1 resposta

Isso é " The Guardian, a Ward e o Convict "

Harry passa o verão com Snape após o final de seu segundo ano:

"I'd rather spend the Summer with Snape." Harry's personal hells are swapped - summer with the Dursley's may not be much fun but surely summer with Snape will be worse? AU end of second book--- NOT SLASH

Há um sofá coberto de tinta por Gilderoy Lockhart:

There were a fair few stained items as well, including a huge couch sticking out from one wall. It was covered with a dust sheet, and when Harry lifted the sheet cautiously to peer underneath he discovered a stain that covered most of the couch in garish ink; a closer examination proved it to be the sort that Lockhart had favoured. The stain was unsightly in the extreme, which was probably why it was in the attic. When Harry sat on the couch though, he discovered it was the most comfortable thing he'd ever encountered, and when he lay down it was more than big enough to serve as a bed.

Como o parágrafo anterior indica, há muitos "móveis antigos e quebrados".

E sim, Snape coloca Harry em um sótão:

Behind the door were three rough steps, a landing with a second door, and then two more steps. He opened the door at the top of the fifth step and entered what appeared to be an attic. The room was round, and the view showed that he was quite high up on the roof, possibly in one of the smaller towers that sprouted off the main spires. He glanced back at the five shallow steps he'd climbed from the foyer and grinned again.

03.05.2016 / 04:30