Existem relativamente poucos elementos em Logan que são indicativos do futuro em relação aos dias de hoje (pontos de trama futuros distópicos à parte).
No entanto:
- Logan's limousine is styled unlike any present day vehicle, both on the outside and in its dashboard display design.
- The trucking industry has been replaced with self-driving trucks which appear to lack even a cab compartment for a driver
- large robotic corn harvesting machines
- The app on Logan's phone indicating his next job is futuristically styled.
Está fora do escopo da questão, mas por completo
It is a plot point that no mutants have been born for 25 years because of interference by a Big Pharma/Military. And there is a mention on the radio to orient the audience along the lines of "It's 2029, why are we still talking about mutants?!"
Gostaria de observar que os seguintes elementos não parecem ter sido modificados a partir da tecnologia atual
No geral, parece que o design de produção tem uma abordagem minimalista muito limitada para o futuro próximo, provavelmente como uma decisão de projeto intencional de manter o realismo.- All the games in a casino
- Phones
- Television (even in a high-end modern hotel)
- Quad-copter drone technology for surveillance (certainly custom designed for the movie, but nothing unusual you wouldn't expect to see in a movie set in 2017).
- There don't appear to have been other elements modified or added only to set the time in the future, such as modified company logos, shots of calendar, references to politicians or sports teams, etc.
(Nota lateral no caso de a outra pergunta ser marcada como duplicada ... os elementos anotados aqui não apareceram nos trailers.)