Breve história em que um homem descobre que está vivendo em um mundo falso


Eu posso estar confundindo duas histórias curtas de ficção científica aqui, então por favor, tenha paciência comigo. Eu definitivamente li isso há mais de 10 anos e é provável que seja mais antigo que isso (anos 60, 70?)

Um homem acorda um dia para descobrir que o mundo é sutilmente diferente. Sua esposa age de forma estranha e há uma vibe estranha de "dia da marmota".

  • Ele descobre que sua casa é feita inteiramente de metal pintado, incluindo coisas que deveriam ser de madeira (um barco que ele fez à mão, por exemplo).

  • Ele comenta que, no mundo real, é o fato de que coisas não funcionam corretamente, o que mostra que você está vivendo na realidade (uma maçaneta instável pode ter sido mencionada? )

  • Ele é constantemente atormentado pela publicidade; marcas de sabão em pó, mensagens políticas, etc. e as pessoas continuam perguntando o que ele pensava sobre elas.

  • Em um ponto, os anunciantes começam a ficar muito agressivos, literalmente invadindo sua casa para sujar suas roupas e dirigir com megafones para gritar insultos sobre seus concorrentes políticos.

  • Ele finalmente sai da cidade (com a ajuda de sua secretária?) e eles descobrem que estão ...

...actually robots living in a simulated town used by advertisers to test slogans, etc.

A reviravolta final é que ...

...the town fits onto a desktop and is encased in glass. Even if he could escape, he could never live in the real world since he's very tiny.

por Valorum 06.06.2015 / 12:17

1 resposta

Este é "O túnel sob o mundo" de Frederik Pohl, de 1955 - de acordo com a wikipedia, um dos o primeiro exemplo fictício de é importante fazer o upload . Aqui está uma parte sobre os anunciantes serem agressivos:

The car took a position in the middle of the block and stood silent for a few minutes. Then there was a crackle from the speaker, and a giant voice chanted:

"Feckle Freezers! Feckle Freezers! Gotta have a Feckle Freezer! Feckle, Feckle, Feckle, Feckle, Feckle, Feckle—"

It went on and on. Every house on the block had faces staring out of windows by then. The voice was not merely loud; it was nearly deafening.

E aqui está uma parte sobre como descobrir que a casa dele era feita de metal:

Where the old trunk had been, the cellar floor gleamed oddly bright. He inspected it in the flashlight beam. It was metal!

"Son of a gun," said Guy Burckhardt. He shook his head unbelievingly. He peered closer, rubbed the edges of the metallic patch with his thumb and acquired an annoying cut—the edges were sharp.

The stained cement floor of the cellar was a thin shell. He found a hammer and cracked it off in a dozen spots—everywhere was metal.

The whole cellar was a copper box. Even the cement-brick walls were false fronts over a metal sheath!

E o barco dele:

The biggest surprise was the upside-down boat hull that blocked the rear half of the cellar, relic of a brief home workshop period that Burckhardt had gone through a couple of years before. From above, it looked perfectly normal. Inside, though, where there should have been thwarts and seats and lockers, there was a mere tangle of braces, rough and unfinished.

A revelação que você mencionou sobre a natureza do personagem:

He said: "Oh. The explosion in my dream." "It was no dream. You are right—the explosion. That was real and this plant was the cause of it. The storage tanks let go and what the blast didn't get, the fumes killed a little later. But almost everyone died in the blast, twenty-one thousand persons. You died with them and that was Dorchin's chance." "The damned ghoul!" said Burckhardt. The twisted shoulders shrugged with an odd grace. "Why? You were gone. And you and all the others were what Dorchin wanted—a whole town, a perfect slice of America. It's as easy to transfer a pattern from a dead brain as a living one. Easier—the dead can't say no. Oh, it took work and money—the town was a wreck—but it was possible to rebuild it entirely, especially because it wasn't necessary to have all the details exact.

E aqui ele descobre o toque final que você mencionou:

Burckhardt stood paralyzed. One of the moving mountains in the blinding glare came toward him. It towered hundreds of feet over his head; he stared up at its top, squinting helplessly into the light. It looked like— Impossible! The voice in the loudspeaker at the door said, "Burckhardt?" But he was unable to answer. A heavy rumbling sigh. "I see," said the voice. "You finally understand. There's no place to go. You know it now. I could have told you, but you might not have believed me, so it was better for you to see it yourself. And after all, Burckhardt, why would I reconstruct a city just the way it was before? I'm a businessman; I count costs. If a thing has to be full-scale, I build it that way. But there wasn't any need to in this case." From the mountain before him, Burckhardt helplessly saw a lesser cliff descend carefully toward him. It was long and dark, and at the end of it was whiteness, five-fingered whiteness.... "Poor little Burckhardt," crooned the loudspeaker, while the echoes rumbled through the enormous chasm that was only a workshop. "It must have been quite a shock for you to find out you were living in a town built on a table top."

06.06.2015 / 13:08