Um demônio pessoal (1985) por David Bischoff , Rich Brown e Linda Richardson ; também a resposta para pergunta .
O resumo da capa:
A college professor conjures up a shapely demon to live within the laws of our world.
Originalmente publicado em Fantástico como uma série de contos e novelas de " Michael FX Milhaus ". As histórias originais eram: "Um demônio pessoal" ( fevereiro de 1976 , disponível no < href=""> Arquivo da Internet ); "Em um olho de porco" ( Maio de 1976 , disponível no Internet Archive ); "Com boas intenções" ( Setembro de 1977 , disponível em Arquivo da Internet ); "Um Truque da Cauda" ( Dezembro de 1977 , disponível no site Internet Archive ); e "Onde os anjos temem pisar" ( Abril de 1978 ).
Eu não tenho uma cópia do livro; O trecho a seguir é do conto original baseado em:
"Like I was saying, you need some guts. Some self-assertion. I know your problems, I can sympathize. But it takes action to clean out your skull—"
"Who says I want to clean out my skull?"
"You want to be head of the Literature Department, don't you?"
"I didn't give you permission to poke around inside my brain."
"You didn't tell me not to, either. If you want to succeed, stick with me. I'll help you. Now listen—"
"Hold it!" Willis objected. "Let me get things straight. I call up a demon, and suddenly she wants to control my life. Well you listen, Ana—Ana—" The alcohol was slurring his voice. "Anny, I am fully capable of messing up my life on my own without your help."
"That's my point."
"I mean—"
"Yeah." She smiled at him. "You can be saved. I like you, Willy. You did me a favor getting me out of Hell." She drew at her cigarette. "I'm going to do you a few favors. As the pug said to the belly dancer, 'Stick with me, baby, and I'll wrap your ass in silk.' The first is to get you this job you want so much—though Satan knows why you want it. Wouldn't you rather have a few million bucks? Maybe a yacht and—"
"I want to be head of the department. I have ideas on teaching I want to implement and—"
"Okay. Okay. The money you'll want later. Right now we'll settle for this rather petty ambition." She blew a triangle of smoke in has face, causing him to cough. Funny kind of smell, he thought twitching his nose.