Qual é a origem da ideia de que Lex Luthor é judeu?


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We learn this from a guy named Elliot S! Maggin (yes, he spells his name with an exclamation point), who wrote the Superman strip in the 70s and 80s. His notes on all the characters mentioned their religious affiliations, and reveal that Jimmy Olsen is Lutheran, Lois Lane is RC, Lex Luthor is a non-observant Jew - and Clark Kent is Methodist.

Qual é exatamente a origem fora do universo da idéia de que Lex Luthor é judeu? A citação acima faz parecer que Maggin não inventou a ideia, apenas a documentou, embora eu possa estar errado.

Tem origem em Siegel e Schuster? Alguém?

Eu preferiria alguma evidência documentada sobre especulação.

por DVK-on-Ahch-To 23.10.2012 / 20:36

2 respostas

Era de Prata Lex Luthor que Elliot S! Maggin foi autorizado a escrever um romance ( Último Filho de Krypton ) usando o personagem descrito nele naquela publicação como judeu.

De: TVtropes: Ambiguamente judia

Elliot S! Maggin stated that he saw Lex Luthor as Jewish, and has the character use some Yiddish as a Second Language in his novel Last Son Of Krypton. It should be noted that A) this was Silver Age Luthor, who was not a Corrupt Corporate Executive whose primary trait is greed, B) Maggin is Jewish, and C) Maggin is very, very fond of Luthor.

23.10.2012 / 21:25

Eu não acredito assim ...

De adherants.com

Lex Luthor is depicted as a Nietzschean atheist in comics, although he is rarely (if ever) overtly identified by name as such.

The 1980s live-action television series Superboy portrayed a college-age Lex Luthor as an Episcopalian Protestant who enters an Episcopalian monastery as a monk in response to a lab accident that renders him bald.

E mais do site:

Clearly Luthor is not an adherent of any organized religion. However, Elliot S! Maggin, an observant Jew who is one of Superman's most popular and influential writers, has stated that Luthor is a non-observant Jew. Given Lex Luthor's utter disinterest in traditional organized religion and moral value systems, it is not surprising that his character never refers to any religious upbringing or religious ethnicity.

There seems to be little printed textual support for identifying Luthor as Jewish. But the theory certainly is plausible in a world where many of history's real-life brilliant world-changing atheists (or agnostics) have been Jewish, including Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Franz Kafka, Noam Chomsky, etc. (The obvious difference, of course, is that Luthor is evil while these other individuals, regardless of whether or you agree with them or not, were not evil.)

Assim, enquanto um escritor contemporâneo pode enquadrá-lo como um judeu não-observante, não há evidências em nenhuma parte desta origem, ou quaisquer indicações religiosas reais. Exceto na ação ao vivo Superboy, onde ele se juntou a um grupo de monges episcopais mas que tinha Superboy combatendo os mímicos com lasers (?), então não tenho certeza se deveria ser seguido.

23.10.2012 / 21:18