O que Profion colocou na cabeça de Damodar?


Nas Dungeons & Dragons filme de 2000, o malvado feiticeiro Profion magicamente coloca algum tipo de criatura na cabeça de seu tenente Damodar. A criatura serve a dois propósitos, ambos aprimorando Damodar e garantindo sua conformidade. A criatura parece causar grande dor ao homem, e muitas vezes ejeta membros semelhantes a tentáculos das orelhas de Damodar.

O que diabos foi essa criatura, e tem alguma coisa a ver com a forma como Damodar se torna um feiticeiro morto-vivo no momento do sequela de 2005 ?

por Omegacron 18.12.2015 / 19:53

2 respostas

Um demônio

De acordo com as seções relevantes da novela oficial do filme, a criatura é descrita como sendo um demônio ". Além disso, não há mais informações úteis.

Then, as if the worst were surely done, something dark and wet poked its snout from Damodar’s nose. Something pale as death slid from his ears. Damodar shrieked in terror as the mindless, ropy things snaked out of his head, hissed, coiled in anger, then struck at one another, struck at his mouth, struck at his eyes…

“I am sending a companion along to remind you not to fail me again,” Profion said. “A gentle reminder not to make anymore mistakes, my friend. I suggest you take a lesson from your foes and follow the Empress’ tracker. She appears to be somewhat more proficient in her work than you. She will lead you to our missing friends and the scroll. And this time, Damodar, do not fail me.”

Profion paused, watching as Damodar writhed in hellish pain. He found great pleasure in the sight, for he saw a fine irony in what this man had become. Damodar, who masked his evil with the handsome features of a fine aristocrat, now faced the world as the monster he truly was.

“The beast is in us all,” Profion whispered, “and it takes little magic to bring the creature out.”


At once, Damodar’s flesh began to writhe, tremble, and stretch in tortured disarray. Sharp tendrils of hellish blue lightning began to whip his body. A terrible cry escaped his lips as the corners of his mouth began to crawl up his cheek, smother his nose and envelop his eyes. The damp, quivering tentacles of the demon in his head snaked out of his ears, his nose, and his mouth, jerking frantically, wildly about as if they sensed their time had come. Damodar sank to his knees, clutching the distorted flesh that quivered atop his head and rolled across his face. The watching mages and soldiers shrank back in horror, each one aware that Profion’s wrath could just as easily fall upon them.

18.12.2015 / 20:56

Eu me lembro de ver em algum lugar descrever o que as criaturas deveriam ser, mas agora não consigo encontrá-las.

Parece ser a razão pela qual ele volta no segundo filme.

Da Wikipedia:

Approximately one hundred years after the events of the first film, Damodar (Bruce Payne) has survived his defeat by Ridley Freeborn, having been cursed by his former master, Profion, to walk the earth as an undead entity.

Parece que a "criatura" era parte da maldição que Profion colocou sobre ele, o que faz com que ele seja um morto-vivo imortal.

Which is cured in the 2nd movie.

18.12.2015 / 20:22