Animação - tripulação itinerante: o capitão, uma mulher ruiva e um homem com oito braços e 8-9 cabeças


Estou à procura de um programa de ficção científica em quadrinhos para desenhos animados

O show é sobre uma equipe de viagem: o capitão, uma mulher ruiva e um homem com oito braços e 8-9 cabeças.

por user76716 09.01.2017 / 17:22

1 resposta

Esta pode ser a série animada britânica / canadense de 1997, Captain Star .

The story of Captain Star involves the crew of the rocket ship Boiling Hell, who have been ordered to a deserted planet known only as "The Nameless Planet" at the Ragged Edge of the Universe. The ship's crew consists of the egocentric and often paranoid Captain Star, Dana Scully-esque science officer Scarlette, nine-headed engineer Jones, and fish-keeping Navigator Black. They are later joined by a robot, Jim-Bob-Bob, who performs laundry duty and various other servitudes.

Captain Star is introduced in the opening theme as "the greatest hero any world has ever known". A legendary explorer who has hundreds of planets named after him, Captain Star's birthday is a holiday throughout the universe. Throughout the series, the characters await further orders from Mission Control which never come. It is unclear whether Mission Control has simply forgotten about Star and his crew, but the implication is that they have put the aging Star out to pasture, but spared him the indignity of forcing him to retire, and kept him on active duty so that he can continue to be a hero to the public. Events occurring on and off the planet, however, frequently require Star's intervention.

Scarlette seria a ruiva e Jones é o homem multi-cabeça e multi-armado.

Aqui está o primeiro episódio para ver se é o certo:


Para citar ainda mais o artigo da Wikipédia:

Only thirteen episodes of thirty-minutes each were produced and aired. The series ran on the British ITV and Canadian Teletoon networks from 1997 to 1998. The show was also later repeated on Locomotion in Latin America, Nickelodeon UK in the United Kingdom, and Space in Canada.

09.01.2017 / 17:32