Filme sobre o planeta pré-histórico e cura de [todas] doenças horríveis nele


Há alguns anos vi um filme sobre uma equipe de forças especiais, que foi enviada para o planeta selvagem através de um teleporte para procurar a equipe desaparecida. No final, descobriu-se que seu objetivo - para encontrar uma droga maravilhosa para um corp mal e trazê-lo para a Terra. Esta droga (algum tipo de água eu acho) foi encontrada na caverna do urso pré-histórico. No final do filme foi cena onde o mal corp. apresenta nova cura com nome semelhante ao da Vita Nova.

É possível que o nome da droga encontrada no título do filme.

por 20.04.2016 / 23:31

1 resposta

Isso é provavelmente Savage Planet

A sinopse da Wikipedia diz tudo :

In the year 2068, Earth can no longer sustain human life with its natural resources depleted beyond repair. Whereas other companies are seeking to colonize the Moon, Calron sets its aim much higher: the planet Oxygen whose potential could save billions of lives. However, since it is 20,000 light-years away, a technology known as DST (or deep-space teleporting) has to be used to get there. A team, led by Cain (played by Sean Patrick Flanery), arrives but soon discover that it is home to a terror in the form of voracious, enormous, prehistoric bears and the planet itself is in an unstable condition. The team soon tries to escape from the planet, but are confronted by many ordeals. By the time the movie is over, the only two left alive is Allison Carlson (played by Reagan Pasternak) and Cain (played by Sean Patrick Flanery), who manage to teleport back to Earth.

Na página de resenhas do IMDB :

The plot has something to do with getting air from a planet, but I couldn't really follow it because the movie has SPACE BEARS. Isn't Sci Fi supposed to be about delving the depths of your mind to create new creatures who have never seen the light of day, truly exorcising [sic] your imagination. And when I think Sci Fi, the first thing that pops into my mind is SPACE BEARS. For about 3 days after I saw this movie I went around shouting SPACE BEARS. Yeah, its that bad.

Irv Game

Eu suspeito que estes são os ursos pré-históricos mencionados na questão.

Existe também um poço, não de água, mas de lodo verde que pode curar qualquer coisa:

Anyway, as the number of humans drops to an all time low they suspect one of them has double-crossed the rest. He discovered a well of green slime in a cave that cures all disease and even regenerates lost limbs! The traitor then tries to make it back to Earth to get rich off this stuff, and leave his buddies behind on the "Savage Planet" to become bear food.


21.04.2016 / 05:11