Significância da palavra Cloverfield


Na franquia Cloverfield, cada filme tem Cloverfield no título, mas qual é o significado de "Cloverfield", em 10 Cloverfield Lane era o endereço daquela área, mas no primeiro filme eu não posso entender seu significado. Estou esquecendo de algo? Esta palavra tem algum significado para a franquia?

por Ankit Sharma 29.06.2018 / 14:26

2 respostas

Dentro e fora das respostas do universo:

É o nome ou codinome do caso do governo e a resposta fora do universo é que é estrada / saída JJ Abrams leva para o trabalho no escritório de Santa Mônica.


The film was initially named Cloverfield. This changed several times throughout production before it was decided that the original title would be used. Matt Reeves explained that the title was changed frequently due to the hype caused by the teaser trailer. "That excitement spread to such a degree that we suddenly couldn't use the name anymore. So we started using all these names like Slusho and Cheese. And people always found out what we were doing!" The director said that "Cloverfield" was the government's case designation for the events caused by the monster, comparing the titling to that of the Manhattan Project. "And it's not a project per se. It's the way that this case has been designated. That's why that is on the trailer, and it becomes clearer in the film. It's how they refer to this phenomenon [or] this case", said the director. The film's final title, Cloverfield, is the name of the exit Abrams takes to his Santa Monica office. In turn, the road used to lead to the Santa Monica Airport, which originally bore the name Clover Field.[citation needed]

One final title, Greyshot, was proposed before the movie was officially titled Cloverfield. The name Greyshot is taken from the archway that the two survivors take shelter under at the end of the movie. Director Reeves said that it was decided not to change the title to Greyshot because the film was already so well known as Cloverfield.

The film received a subtitle in Japan, where it was released as Cloverfield/Hakaisha (クローバーフィールド/HAKAISHA Kurōbāfīrudo/HAKAISHA). The subtitle "Destroyer" was chosen by Abrams and was translated into Japanese as Hakaisha (破壊者 lit. "Destroyer") by Paramount Japan at his request. The subtitle Kishin (鬼神 lit. "Demon[ic] God") was chosen for the manga spin-off, Cloverfield/Kishin, released exclusively in Japan.

29.06.2018 / 15:33

No primeiro filme de Cloverfield, foi o nome de código do governo / militar para o "incidente" envolvendo alienígenas de outras dimensões. Nomes de código com som neutro são usados pelos militares na vida real. Exemplos: "Fat Man", "Little Boy" e "Tuskegee Experiment".

No entanto, isso não explica por que esse nome específico foi escolhido.

29.06.2018 / 15:33
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