Os Griffins sabem que Stewie pode falar?


Eu me chamaria de fã de Family Guy e assisti muitos episódios. Ao longo de toda a série, presumi que só Brian conseguia entender Stewie falando e vice-versa.

Recentemente, assisti ao episódio "Yug Ylimaf" e algo que Chris disse no final me fez questionar isso.

Did anyone else notice the baby talking in the hospital?

foi dito depois de uma troca entre Stewie e Brian. Lois passou a dizer isso

Don't be silly, Chris.

e o episódio terminou.

Então, claramente, Chris pode reconhecer quando Stewie está falando e Lois não pode, mas em vários outros episódios, Stewie irá monologar ou ter uma conversa prolongada com Brian e ninguém irá reconhecê-lo.

Alguém sabe qual é a resposta para isso? Stewie talvez esteja imaginando as conversas ou todo mundo é apenas surdo?

por caird coinheringaahing 06.04.2017 / 23:41

2 respostas

Em uma entrevista com Seth MacFarlane a mesma pergunta foi feita:

Can all the characters hear Stewie when he talks?

The single most asked question about the show. They can, they can hear him and understand him, its just that he's a baby and for that reason they just don't take what he says with any seriousness.

Na página Stewie Griffin Wikpedia , eles mencionam uma aparência de Comic Con de 2011:

MacFarlane went on to say that Brian always hears Stewie, and more recently so does Chris, but the writers usually strive for Peter, Lois, and Meg not to hear him. Once Stewie leaves the house, the question of who can understand him depends very much on the story. MacFarlane also states that these rules can be broken for the sake of comedy, so this could change from one episode to another.

Há mais detalhes em wiki de Stewie :

A running gag has occurred over whether or not the family can understand Stewie's speech, especially given his tendency towards homicidal remarks. The Griffins appear to ignore most of what Stewie says, though on occasion they have responded to his speech.

This has been referred in "E. Peterbus Unum" as a meta-joke. The end of the episode reveals it actually being a historical video, projected to a group of students in the future. When the presenter asks if there are any questions, one of the students responds with "I don't get it. So.... like... can the family understand the baby or... what's the deal with that?" The other students are seen nodding in agreement with the apparent confusion.

Brian and Jillian are the only adults that seem to fully understand what he's saying; however there have been occasions when other characters have evidently understood him. Brian can always understand him though, and they often have conversations between themselves, including musical numbers, arguments and bad advice. Strangers such as Connie DiMico can also understand Stewie in "McStroke", as can Jillian. Lauren Conrad is even able to understand him. On the rare occasions he speaks directly to Meg or Chris they also sometimes reply.

07.04.2017 / 00:07

É complicado. Aqui está uma lista de pessoas que podem ouvir Stewie falando:

Caracteres principais

Dr. Hartman,

Caracteres não recorrentes

Connie DiMico (McStroke),
Mall Santa (Cara de Natal),
Líder do culto (Chitty Chitty Death Bang),
Anne Murray (Chris Cross),
Lauren Conrad (Nós amamos você, Conrad).

O resto não o entende (na maior parte do tempo).

07.04.2018 / 12:25


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