O inverno é uma estação que pode durar anos, possivelmente até décadas.
Isso também é verdade para os verões, mas as estações do ano não são binárias, a primavera e o outono também existem.
É feito o backup de muitos outros pontos de vista de caracteres.
O velho Nan nos diz em "Lorde Snow" (S01E03);
"Oh, my sweet summer child. What do you know about fear? Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides for years and children are born and live and die all in darkness.
Tyrion reflete sobre as estações da sua vida;
"As you say, my lord." He had been born in the dead of winter, a terrible cruel one that the maesters said had lasted near three years, but Tyrion's earliest memories were of spring.
"When I was a boy, it was said that a long summer always meant a long winter to come. This summer has lasted nine years, Tyrion, and a tenth will soon be upon us. Think on that."
A Game of Thrones - Tyrion III
O Grande Meistre Pycelle faz um pouco da história;
There were fools, even in the Citadel, who took that to mean that the Great Summer had come at last, the summer that never ends, but in the seventh year it broke suddenly, and we had a short autumn and a terrible long winter.
A Game of Thrones - Eddard V
Existe até um tempo chamado de Ano da Falsa Fonte , que se expandiu nos livros, mas entrou na mostre nas histórias & Lore: Casa Reed
When he was a young man in the Year of the False Spring, a great southern lord held the largest tourney Westeros had ever seen in the largest castle Westeros had ever seen.