O aumento de vírus descrito na Enterprise teve efeitos duradouros:
This left millions of Klingons without their ridges, an alteration that was even passed on to their children, though it was hoped that one day gene therapy would be developed to reverse the effects.
Do artigo da Memória Alfa sobre Koloth:
Claramente, a maioria da população klingon havia sido curada pela era TNG / DS9 / VOY. Com uma população que mais uma vez parecia Klingon, eu podia ver o ser um estigma social ligado àqueles sem cordilheiras e anciões klingons, quer recebendo esta cura da terapia genética, ou obtendo cristas cosméticas.As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Koloth was descended from Klingons affected with the augment virus created in 2154. By the 24th century, he seemed to have been cured or cosmetically altered.