Breve história em que o homem percebe que ele é a única pessoa real no universo, depois de ver discrepâncias no tempo [duplicado]


O homem deixou as chaves ou algo no quarto de cima (?) na parte de trás da casa.

Ele saiu pela porta da frente para ir com alguém (esposa, colega?) e foi um dia ensolarado. De repente ele se lembrou de suas chaves, correu de volta para a casa, subiu para o quarto dos fundos para recuperá-los e ... pela janela do quarto, ele viu uma chuva toda escura e profunda. Hmmm Descer as escadas e sair pela porta da frente, brilhante e ensolarado. (Mesmo quando ele andava em volta?) Foi quando ele percebeu que ele era a única pessoa real no universo. Todos e tudo mais eram espíritos, robôs, fantasmas, máquinas ou qualquer coisa, mas não pessoas.

Eu adoraria lê-lo novamente. O que por favor é o título? Quão bem me lembrei disso? Provavelmente foi de alguma antologia anual (?) De ficção científica e / ou fantasia.

por Gorgo 16.02.2014 / 03:08

1 resposta

Não; é Heinlein. Eles .

Você tem os detalhes pequenos , mas não mal: estava chovendo lá fora, mas ensolarado do lado de fora de sua janela. Nunca nos é dito a natureza dos outros seres, é apenas insinuado.

Uma citação para ver se é a sua memória:

"Why did you try to stop me from going back upstairs that day?"

She managed to smile, although her eyes were already spilling over with tears. "I didn't know it really mattered to you. I didn't want us to miss the train."

It had been a small thing, an unimportant thing. For some reason not clear to him he had insisted on going back upstairs to his study when they were about to leave the house for a short vacation. It was raining, and she had pointed out that there was barely enough time to get to the station. He had surprised himself and her, too, by insisting on his own way in circumstances in which he had never been known to be stubborn.

He had actually pushed her to one side and forced his way up the stairs. Even then nothing might have come of it had he not quite unnecessarily raised the shade of the window that faced toward the rear of the house.

It was a very small matter. It had been raining, hard, out in front. From this window the weather was clear and sunny, with no sign of rain.

He had stood there quite a long while, gazing out at the impossible sunshine and rearranging his cosmos in his mind. He re-examined long-suppressed doubts in the light of this one small but totally unexplainable discrepancy. Then he had turned and had found that she was standing behind him.

16.02.2014 / 03:12