O que mais sabemos sobre o Sheliak?


No episódio de Star Trek TNG As Liahonas de Comando , o Diz-se que o Sheliak Corporate teve um conflito com a Federação, fazendo com que um tratado nascesse.

Existe alguma coisa em qualquer outro trabalho (um dos romances, talvez) que descreva esse conflito? Também estou interessado em saber por que o Sheliak não era mais temido pela tripulação da Enterprise e quais recursos táticos o Sheliak tem.

Em suma, o que mais sabemos sobre o Sheliak?

por piman 26.03.2018 / 04:05

2 respostas

Existem alguns trechos de informação no site oficial de Star Trek, bem como alguns dos romances do Universo Estendido.

Perfil do site StarTrek.com


Origin: Shelia star system. A technological, non-humanoid life-form of classification R-3; in appearance, a wrap of black, mucous-secreting folds appearing as at least a head and gesturing upper appendages (not too unlike the look of the creature Armus on Vagra II). As a culture, they view humans as a lower life form and have no qualms about exterminating those legally in their way -- as with the unknowing human "trespassers" on Tau Cygna V. They have learned several United Federation of Planets (UFP) languages but still consider them imprecise. The Sheliak language continues to elude Federation linguists, and even telepaths have been of no help. In face-to-face dialogue with Captain Picard and Counselor Troi, the Sheliak ship director speaks English without apparent translation aids. His reception room is very large and open, perhaps indicating that space is not critical on the vessel.

A idade enterrada

O Breen e o Sheliak não compartilham fronteiras mútuas, mas têm disputas sobre várias regiões do espaço. Seus navios e tecnologia são aparentemente comparáveis.

A few minutes later, the results were on the screen, and Picard grunted in dismay. “They could hardly have picked a worse place for it. If I recall my Starfleet intelligence reports, that region of space is disputed between the Breen and the Sheliak.”

“I’m not familiar with either.”

“They’re both very mysterious to us, in fact. But one thing we do know is that they’re both very forceful about defending their territorial claims. And neither would respond well to Federation intrusion, even in a border zone.” The region in question, out past Albireo, was in fact well beyond the far border of the Breen Confederacy, but they had been establishing “protectorates” there for decades, expanding aggressively to spinward since their antispinward expansion was blocked by the Federation. The Sheliak’s borders and buffer zones were well defined by the terms of the Treaty of Armens, but the Breen had not signed that treaty and did not honor it.

O primeiro contato com o Sheliak aconteceu em algum momento das décadas de 2250 ou 1960

But the white-haired admiral smiled, looking for a moment like the grandfather he was. “It’s all right-I can forgive it from a civilian.” His kindly mien faded as his eyes darted in Picard’s direction-specifically at his collar, where the rank pins would be if he were still in uniform. “Of course you understand my problem with what you propose. Relations with the Breen are tenuous at best and-well, we’ve had no actual relations with the Sheliak for a hundred years, and I wouldn’t like our next contact to be a military one, let alone one we precipitated.”

Observando o relógio

Os Sheliak têm sua própria agência de segurança temporal. É descrito como altamente eficiente.

“Exactly. Some of the leading theories focus on the Carnelians, a civilization as advanced as your own, more than capable of pulling it off. But since the changes in their history didn’t unmake the defense grid, their role must not have been the pivotal one. The Sheliak have been under attack too, but they’d never deign to tell you, and their own temporal agency is . . . highly efficient, so they’ve escaped significant change. And the Typhon Pact . . . well, you can try getting those stories out of Revad if we get out of here alive.

A Queda: Uma Cerimônia de Perdas

Os Sheliak mantêm relações comerciais com outros mundos, mas são conhecidos por serem altamente xenófobos em relação ao contato com pessoas de fora de sua própria espécie.

“The first is a Sheliak commercial freighter. Given their extreme xenophobia, I would think it highly doubtful that they would offer Doctor Bashir, or any non-Sheliak, transportation to Andor, or to anywhere else.

Demônios do Ar e das Trevas

Nog adquire um modulador de escudo Sheliak. Melhora a defesa contra a radiação ao custo da defesa contra o fogo dirigido. Note que o editor de Keith DeCandido não sabe soletrar Sheliak e erra em vários livros.

Nog held up an isolinear rod he'd been carrying. Vaughn peered at the markings, and saw that it contained a replicator pattern. "I, ah, have something that might help. It's a shield modulator that I—acquired from the Shelliak."
Everyone whirled and stared at Nog. Dax's mouth was hanging open.
Bashir asked, "Aren't the Shelliak among the most xenophobic species in the galaxy?"
"Xenophobic's the wrong word," Dax said. "More like xeno-disdainful. They don't really fear other species, they just don't think all that much of them."

30.03.2018 / 13:37

Muito pouco.

O Sheliak foi destaque de forma proeminente em apenas um episódio de Star Trek, The Ensigns of Comando , e brevemente referenciado apenas em outra, Mina de Navio de Guerra .

Seu governo, sua espécie e a história de suas relações com a Federação são descritos apenas naquele episódio, então eu acho que você já sabe tudo o que há para saber sobre eles.

De acordo com o Memory Beta, eles apareceram em alguns livros não-canônicos, mas novamente, muito pouco é explicado , e eles parecem aparecer apenas em segundo plano (eu mesmo não li esses livros):

  • Novela da TNG A Era Enterrada : diz-se que o espaço Sheliak era perto da Confederação Breen, e isso causou tensões entre os dois poderes.
  • DTI Novel Assistindo ao relógio : eles faziam parte de um representante encarregado de crie uma Grade de Defesa Temporal.
  • DS9 Novel Demônios do Ar e das Trevas : eles foram citados como a fonte de um modulador de escudo adquirido por Nog.
30.03.2018 / 12:20