A wiki do Power Rangers Dino Trovão tem isto a dizer:
Tommy (known often as Dr. O) himself joins the team as the Black Dino Ranger, and they are also later joined by Trent Mercer as the White Dino Ranger, with the powers of invisibility and camouflage, respectively. Trent must deal with the inner struggle of good and evil, as Tommy himself once had to do as the evil Green Ranger, due to the fact that he gained his powers from a raw Dino Gem in Mesogog's lab, with the powers originally intended to be Mesogog's.
Eu não vi a série, mas esta passagem me leva a acreditar que a Dino Gem que Trent encontrou não era exatamente a mesma que as outras duas, e é por isso que a transformação dele é diferente.