Os irmãos gêmeos Ray e Emmit Stussy?


Na terceira temporada de Fargo , Ewan McGregor interpreta dois personagens, os irmãos Stussy.


Emmitir (à direita)

Diferentes fontes discordam como Rolling Stone diz:

Ewan McGregor makes his debut in the dual roles of twin brothers Emmit Stussy and Ray Stussy.

EUA hoje diz:

The Scottish film star has been cast in the lead role — or roles — playing very different brothers Emmit and Ray Stussy, who are not twins.

Ambos os personagens têm claramente uma aparência diferente, mas pode ser explicado como se tivessem vidas diferentes com uma salubridade diferente.

Existem elementos do programa que confirmam se são gêmeos ou não?

por Silver Bebs 12.05.2017 / 10:31

2 respostas


Embora os gêmeos não precisem parecer idênticos, McGregor confirmou que eles não são gêmeos ... apenas irmãos.

DigitalSpy .com

"I'm playing two brothers so it involves quite a bit of prosthetics and make-up. They look very different, they're not twins. By playing them, I've have to find their voices which has been a challenge, but I've really enjoyed that," McGregor explained.

Noah Hawley (o showrunner) também não se refere a eles como gêmeos.


“If you have two brothers,” the showrunner continued, “and one of them is rich and one of them is not, there’s an element of class that you’re discussing whether you want to or not. This idea that Emmit Stussy, as a multimillionaire with a giant mansion, would seem to have more value to society, and treated with more respect by society than his younger brother who hasn’t amounted to much. But I think it’s important to look at people’s actual value against how they’re viewed.”

12.05.2017 / 10:40

Está confirmado no episódio Aporia (S03E09), que Emmit é o mais velho, os dois irmãos sendo dois anos separados.

EMMIT: My dad gave me a car, but I wanted the stamps. What 17-year-old boy wants stamps when he can have a cherry-red Corvette? But I did.
And Ray, like I said, he was a chubby kid. 15 years old, never been laid, never even felt up a girl.

16.06.2017 / 10:08
Comentários recentes

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