Por que eles evitaram o nome de Charlie no título do filme Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory?


Willy Wonka & A Fábrica de Chocolate (1971) é um filme baseado no romance chamado Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Mas qual foi a razão da mudança de Charlie para Willy Wonka no título do filme? Não é mais da jornada de Charlie no filme? É para a sugestão de algum suposto desvio do romance para filmar no filme?

Nota: Mais tarde remake de Tim Burton escolheu o título do romance.

por Ankit Sharma 01.12.2017 / 09:18

3 respostas

What was the reason for the shift from Charlie to Willy Wonka in the film title?

NAACP (Associação Nacional para o Avanço das Pessoas de Cor, uma organização de direitos civis nos Estados Unidos para promover a justiça para os afro-americanos) teve a objeção sobre o retrato dos personagens no livro. Eles não aprovaram o livro, portanto, não queriam que este filme encorajasse a venda desse livro. Eles sugeriram tornar o Oompa-Loompas branco e alterar o título do filme.

Os cineastas decidiram ligar para o novo bar, o Wonka Bar, e mudar o título para Willy Wonka como uma promoção promocional.

Is it not more of Charlie's journey in the film? Is it for the hint to any supposed deviation from novel to film in the film?

Sim, é, mas eles colocam mais ênfase em Willy do que em Charlie. O autor do livro original não ficou satisfeito com o filme.

De BBC ,

A cast of suitably bratty children, Oscar-nominated songs by Anthony Newley and a disturbing, psychedelic boat ride sequence did not prevent Dahl feeling “disappointed” in the movie.

“He thought it placed too much emphasis on Willy Wonka and not enough on Charlie,” said Liz Attenborough, trustee of the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in Buckinghamshire. “For him the book was about Charlie.”

De Argumento retumbante ,

The NAACP had been critical of Dahl’s portrayal of the characters in the book, and they put pressure on the production to alter their appearance, saying in a statement that: “The objection to the title Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is simply that the NAACP doesn’t approve of the book, and therefore doesn’t want the film to encourage sales of the book. The solution is to make the Oompa-Loompas white and to make the film under a different title.”

De MentalFloss ,


Though the book is called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the 1971 movie is named after Willy Wonka. There are two reasons for this: When the NAACP was protesting the Oompa-Loompas, they also demanded that the movie’s title be changed so as not to promote the book among viewers of the movie. The second reason for shifting the main character focus was because the movie was financed by Quaker Oats, who were looking at it as a way of advertising a new line of chocolate bars that they were about to produce. Eventually, they settled on calling the new bar the Wonka Bar, and with that they chose to rename the entire movie after Willy Wonka as a promotional tie-in. (Because really, what better way is there to sell candy bars than with the suggestion of light cannibalism?)

01.12.2017 / 09:25

Mas qual foi o motivo da mudança de Charlie para Willy Wonka no título do filme?

Na wikipedia holandesa sobre esse filme:

De titel van het verhaal werd echter aangepast naar Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory om beter aan te sluiten bij het snoepgoed dat in de film gepromoot zou worden, en omdat in de Verenigde Staten (die toen betrokken waren bij de Vietnamoorlog) Charlie een spottende bijnaam was voor de Viet Cong.


The title of the story was adapted to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to better connect to the candy promoted during the movie and because in the United States (who were involved in the Vietnam war at the time) Charlie was a derogatory nickname for the Viet Cong.

Tela Rant sugere que há 4 motivos para isso flutuaram ao longo dos anos:

One is that the specter of racism reared its head again — apparently one of the films producers, stung over the NAACP’s accusations over the Oompa Loompa’s, noted that slaves called their bosses “Mr. Charlie” during the war. Another theory is yet another racial implication: that the word ‘Charlie’ was a derisive term for the Viet Cong by American Soldiers during the Vietnam War.

The other theory is less culturally sensitive and more corporate: since Quaker Oats was using the film to market their Wonka Bar, they wanted a title that best reflected the brand. Whatever the reason, Stuart made the most compelling argument for the name change, saying “If people say, ‘I saw Willy Wonka,’ people would know what they were talking about. If they say, ‘I saw Charlie,’ it doesn’t mean anything.”

Todos os quatro motivos também são mencionados em este artigo

Não é mais da jornada de Charlie no filme? É para a sugestão de algum suposto desvio do romance para filmar no filme?

Sim, Roald Dahl ficou desapontado com o filme e com o foco colocado em Willy Wonka, em vez do desenvolvimento de Charlie.

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Mas nenhuma das fontes que encontrei sugere que a mudança de título foi feita como uma sugestão premeditada para qualquer suposto desvio do romance para o filme.

01.12.2017 / 09:25

Outra possibilidade:

Eu me lembro quando criança que o livro se chamava "Charlie Brown e a Fábrica de Chocolate" quando comecei a ler o livro, fiquei inicialmente desapontado ao descobrir que este não era o "Charlie Brown" da famosa história em quadrinhos. Eu li o livro, fiquei encantado com a história.

Talvez um motivo para mudar o nome tenha sido evitar essa confusão?

04.12.2017 / 01:58