História de Philip K Dick com humanos subterrâneos e humanos saudáveis acima do nível do solo

Estou procurando uma história de Philip K. Dick sobre um futuro em que há seres humanos vivendo sob o solo, que se tornaram muito pálidos, frágeis, quase cegos, e humanos que vivem acima do solo, que são saudáveis e strong.

Na história, dois exploradores de baixo vêm à superfície e veem as pessoas de cima. Eu acho que eu lembro de um dos homens abaixo de cobiçar uma das mulheres de cima.

É uma história muito curta, que encontrei em uma edição francesa de pequenas histórias coletadas, provavelmente "J'ai Lu SF".

por MicroMachine 04.10.2015 / 04:07

1 resposta

"A Surface Raid" por Philip K. Dick , publicado pela primeira vez em Fantastic Universe , julho de 1955 , que está disponível no Internet Archive . Aqui está um resumo do enredo de Philip K. Dick Review :

Harl visits his father Edward Boynton. Harl tells his father that he came into some information during his educational activities, revealing that his father will be going to the surface on a raid for some “saps.” Edward explains that it will be a small raid, taking place sometime in the next week. They need some saps, mostly male, to work in the factories. Harl tells his father that he will be going on the raid as well. Edward tries to talk him out of it, but eventually gives in. He instructs Harl to prepare for the trip to the surface. The radiation from the war has declined, but he will still need to prepare equipment. Harl sees his Youth League leader, Fashold, to tell him the news. Fashold warns Harl that he learned that the saps are a different species but closely related them. They used be called “technos” before the war. They were mutants that developed in the technocratic class and were able to reveal themselves as superior during the “Final War.” They are the descendants of the technos that survived the war by living in underground bunkers. After this explanation, Harl gets news that the team is ready to go to the surface.

Edward tells his son that the saps have been slowly reclaiming the surface using stone-age tools. The war left the surface of the Earth with a coating of blackened rock. Edward instructs Harl that they will wait until night to begin the raid on the sap villages. The sun makes working difficult for Harl. He ventures out on his own. He sees the sap village, from which he wants to capture a handful for use of the Youth League. The saps have a shiny copper-black skin. Their village is at a Neolithic level, with basic agriculture and animal husbandry. Harl observes the village for a while, watching with fascination their work and their various activities. He realizes that the saps are not a dying race at all as he was taught. He becomes infatuated with one women who, along with a man, works on painting a clay bowl. Desiring to speak to her, he approaches the woman. She screams and flees. Hearing the screams and noticing that the saps were stirred, Edward contacts Harl and command him back to the base.

Back at the sap village, the woman—Julie—describes what she saw to Ken, her brother. It has two black eyes, looked blind, while skin, and huge hands and feet. A Mr. Stebbins explains that those creatures—called goblins—used to be men but were transformed into monsters by living underground where they collect and hoard metal.

04.10.2015 / 05:02