Dentro do principal canon da TV e do Cinema, Ki Mendrossen aparece apenas no primeiro episódio, TNG: Sarek.
Baseado no fato de que uma roupa idêntica (na verdade, a mesma roupa) foi usada por um arqueólogo vulcano em TNG: QPid, podemos supor que a túnica é de fato cerimonial e presumivelmente usada para ocasiões especiais como a reunião. dignitários estrangeiros.
A história não registra se ele é um adepto da filosofia vulcana ou apenas empregado como membro da equipe de Sarek.
Dentro da UE, sabe-se muito mais sobre Ki Aloysius Mendrossen. Ele aparece brevemente em TNG: Federation . Riker observa que sua resposta inicial sugere uma frieza semelhante à de Vulcano.
“What will happen to him then?” Riker asked.
Mendrossen, though human, answered with Vulcan control.
“The effects of Bendii Syndrome are irreversible.” Then, in an afterthought that belied his emotions, he added hopefully, “Medical research is always continuing.” There was nothing more to be said.
Em TNG: Avenger (por William Shatner) aprendemos muito mais sobre Mendrossen, incluindo que ele é de fato um adepto dos ensinamentos de Surak:
Spock cocked his head, intrigued, as he recognized the figure. Ki Mendrossen. The diplomat who had served as his father’s chief of staff in the final years of Sarek’s career. He was an officious human, totally devoted to Sarek’s well-being, and possessed of an almost Vulcanlike capacity to focus on details. Though Sarek had never commented upon Mendrossen’s abilities, the fact that the man had served so long was testament enough to his competence.
Mendrossen bowed his head in a human expression of shame. He did it awkwardly, as if his years on Vulcan had made him lose touch with his own human heritage.
“For all that I believed I followed in the path of Surak, my logic was uncertain and I do regret my actions.”