Procurando por um livro envolvendo um cometa e marinheiros de pele azul


Eu tenho procurado por um livro de ficção científica por literalmente 20 anos sem sorte. Talvez agora seja a hora? Eu só li parte do livro, mas a parte que eu lembro é algo como:

Um homem acorda na manhã após um cometa ter passado perto da Terra. Sua vizinhança inteira e a cidade de Los Angeles (eu acho?) Estão vazias. Ele pega um carro e vai para a costa. Ao longo do caminho, ele encontra uma outra pessoa viva. Quando eles chegam à costa, eles vêem e sinalizam um barco, que faz parte da Marinha Australiana. Todos os marinheiros estão vivos, mas sua pele ficou azul.

Não há muito a seguir, mas qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.

por milsyobtaf 09.06.2017 / 21:50

1 resposta

Invasores de Rigel Rigel por Fletcher Pratt , também a resposta à velha pergunta Que história um homem acorda para se transformar em metal vivo? Talvez uma das essas capas seja digna de nota. A história está disponível no Project Gutenberg .

A espaçonave alienígena é confundida com um cometa:

"What is it? Am I crazy, are you, or are we both?"

"Of course not. Greatest thing that ever happened. The big comet. They said she was radioactive, but most of 'em wouldn't believe it. Now look what it did." (Murray Lee remembered vaguely some newspaper palaver about a giant comet that was going to strike the earth—argument and counter-argument as to whether it would have a serious effect.) "Everybody's turned to metal; nize machinery, ate oop all de axle-grease. You need oil. Stick around."

[. . . .]

"Will you sit down and tell me consecutively what it's all about before I bash you?" asked Murray, petulantly. "Being turned into a machine is not the easiest thing in the world on one's temper; it upsets the disposition."

"Some sort of a special extra radioactive gas storm connected with the comet, I think, though I can't be sure. It's made machines of all of us, now and forever more. We'll live on electric current after this and won't have to bother about little things like doctors if we can find a good mechanic. But it killed a lot of people. Come along, I'll show you."

Marinheiros australianos de pele azul:

"... His Majesty's Australian ship Brisbane, they say," said Murray. "Wait a minute, since they're so near, I think I can switch them over to the radiophone." He ticked the key a moment, then twisted more dials and leaned back as a full and fruity voice, with a strong English accent, filled the room.

"Compliments of Captain Entwhistle of the Royal Australian Navy to the commander of the U. S. S. Ward, and can we arrange a meeting? The Comet appears to have done a good deal of damage in your part of the world and you are the first people we have encountered."

[. . . .]

"Where's your microphone?" asked Ben. "Oh, there.... Compliments of Benjamin Franklin Ruby, temporarily in command of U. S. S. Ward to Captain Entwhistle of the Royal Australian Navy, and none of us are sailors. We just borrowed this ship, and if you want to see us you'll have to pick us up. We'll keep along the coast toward Cape May. Can you meet us?"

[. . . .]

They ceased speaking as the thin pennon of smoke, followed by two tall masts, became visible over the horizon. In a few minutes more the Brisbane swept up, swung a circle and came to rest near them, while out from her side dropped a boat that began to move toward them with dipping oars.

A moment later she was alongside. Ben stepped out on the deck, and as he did so, there was a mutual exclamation of horrified amazement—for Captain Entwhistle of the Royal Australian Navy was as much flesh and blood as any man they had seen in the old days, but a pale blue in color, and all his sailors were of the same extraordinary hue.

10.06.2017 / 00:33