No livro Star Wars " Comando Imperial: 501º ", vários guerreiros Clone Commando insistem em uma cremação para seu colega caído. Um deles descreve isso (um tanto desdenhosamente) como uma "tradição jedi" que sugere strongmente que a prática normal é simplesmente enterrar seus mortos in-situ. >
...Ennen and Bry had been trained by a Corellian sergeant. It showed. Their attitudes were Corellian; they'd have fitted in seamlessly in any Corellian town.
"Cremation," Ennen said. "I don't care how we do it, but I want him to have a proper cremation."
Mais tarde na mesma série , outros Clone Troopers falam sobre dar a outro companheiro caído um " > enterro decente ", de forma pouco sentimental após a remoção de sua armadura e kit.
"ARC trooper Lieutenant Alpha-Thirty died of his injuries following an unknown incident, okay?" A'den announced pointedly. "He was too decomposed to ascertain a cause of death. But I recovered his armor and I'm returning his tally to SO Brigade for records purposes. Got it? Because if you didn't, I can repeat it even more slowly."
Fi raised an eyebrow. "He looks pretty decomposed to me. We'll give him a decent burial. Can I have his boots and kama?"