O wikia da Marvel o nomeia como Eson, o Pesquisador , um dos Celestiais .
Diretor dos Guardiões James Gunn confirmou sua identidade em
“Maybe at some point, yeah,” he replied. “I mean, I love that guy (Eson the Searcher) that we see in the Collector’s lab. I love that character. I think he’s really cool. The visual effects artists did a great job with him, and they were given a pretty big task, to create this character in a short amount of time and put him in there. Yeah, I like that stuff, the Celestials. I like the whole idea that the Guardians are a bunch of mortals playing in the field of gods. It’s really about their mortality in the face of all that stuff that makes it both dramatic and fun.”
O que ele está "pesquisando" não é mencionado, mas conhecemos esse personagem antes em